
How much does a MBA graduate earn in Singapore?

How much does a MBA graduate earn in Singapore?

Top Singapore Graduates & Alumni Salaries – By Degree

Degree Average Salary Full Access
MBA $99,000 Get full report
Masters in Finance $93,000 Get full report
Masters in Management $90,000 Get full report
BBA $75,000 Get full report

How much does a degree holder earn in Singapore?

University Graduates Starting Salary By Degree

(Charts) GROUP BY Qualification, Institution & Year of Survey Employment Rate 50th Percentile
Bachelor of Arts (Hons) | NUS 2020 54.2\% $3,500
Mathematics & Economics | NTU 2020 55.7\% $3,832
Biological Sciences | NTU 2020 56.7\% $3,325
Bachelor of Science (Hons) | NUS 2020 57.4\% $3,528

What is a good entry level salary in Singapore?

For a start, the average entry-level salary is $2,742 per month. Although such positions vary depending on commission and can either break through the roof or remain at the base rate.

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How much do NUS graduates earn?

For example, the median gross monthly salary for Bachelor of Engineering (Engineering Science) offered by NUS shows that 50\% of the graduates are earning more than $4,000, and the mean gross monthly salary is $4,584.

How much do NUS graduates make?

Degree From NUS Median Salary In Full-Time Permanent Employment
Bachelor of Science (Pharmacy) $3,600 93.7\%
Bachelor of Science (Data Science & Analytics) $4,125 78.3\%
NUS Business School
Bachelor of Business Administration $4,000 66.7\%

Is NUS Business School Competitive?

With an acceptance rate of around 16\%, NUS, like all good business schools, is very selective. What makes admission at NUS particularly challenging is that it is the most sought-after Business school for candidates interested in pursuing a career in Asia-Pacific.

What is Singapore fresh graduate salary?

Private institute fresh graduates in full-time permanent employment earned a median gross monthly salary of S$2,900 in 2020, up from S$2,650 in 2018.