
How much does a Safeway barista make?

How much does a Safeway barista make?

Safeway – Starbucks Barista Salaries

Job Title Salary
Safeway Safeway – Starbucks Barista salaries – 59 salaries reported $11/hr
Safeway Safeway – Starbucks Barista salaries – 35 salaries reported $12/hr
Starbucks Safeway – Starbucks Barista salaries – 3 salaries reported $13/hr

Is Starbucks barista training hard?

Not very. It’s easy to make one frappuccino, or one latte. Espresso machines, blenders, scoops, cups, and syrup pumps are all preset to match the recipes. The difficult part of working at Starbucks is making many drinks quickly, for relatively long periods of time.

Is training paid at Starbucks?

Yes, you do get paid during training. You do get paid during training. TAKE YOUR TIME. It can be overwhelming at first because they expect excellence but once you get it you will be glad to be so well trained.

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Why is it bad to work at Starbucks?

They get revenge on rude customers Most employees agree that one of the toughest things about working at Starbucks is dealing with customers, especially the ones who can be quite rude during an interaction. And if you’re going to disrespect the person making your coffee, you can expect them to retaliate.

How long is barista training at Starbucks?

Official training took about a week. Unofficial training continues after that. We’re all in a state of learning. It usually takes most new hires about three months to master the basics and six months to get really competent at being a barista.

How long is Starbucks barista training?

How long are Starbucks training shifts?

Starbucks Baristas, how long did training take you and what is covered? – Quora. They used to give you 2 weeks and now training is 20 hours which isn’t even close to enough since drinks are added every month and each one has its own unique preparation.

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How much do Starbucks barista trainers make?

The typical Starbucks Barista Trainer salary is $12 per hour. Barista Trainer salaries at Starbucks can range from $9 – $17 per hour.

What is the early morning shift at Starbucks?

The morning shift for baristas starts at 4:30am. It is very early, but you are off by around 11:00am. The morning shift is extremely fast acting and as an employee you must try to treat every person with the utmost kindness.