
How much does ChIP sequencing cost?

How much does ChIP sequencing cost?

Sample Prep (Does not include sequencing costs)

Small genomic DNA Library Prep $250/sample
Targeted Panels Inquire
A typical mRNA-Seq experiment will cost $650/sample
A typical microRNA-Seq experiment will cost $400/sample
A typical ChIP-Seq experiment will cost $550/sample

How much does single cell seq cost?

Single Cell Sequencing

Single Cell Sequencing Service Pricing Unit Unit Cost
Gene Expression Capture & Library Prep Price/capture (up to 10000 cells) $1,800
VDJ Library Prep Price/capture $300
Feature Barcode Library Prep Price/capture $300
Sequencing of scRNAseq Gene Expression Libraries Price/cell (50000 reads/cell) $0.28

How much does RNA seq cost?

Typical costs for a bulk RNA-seq experiment range from $1000-$2500. Additional analysis or stand alone bioinformatic service costs vary by project complexity and are based on $89/hour rate.

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How much does ATAC seq cost?

Order ATAC-Seq Kit

Name Format Price
ATAC-Seq Kit 16 rxns $1,200

How much does a NovaSeq 6000 cost?

The machines themselves are still costly: The NovaSeq 5000 and 6000 cost $850,000 and $985,000, respectively.

What can ATAC-seq do?

The assay for transposase-accessible chromatin with sequencing (ATAC-Seq) is a popular method for determining chromatin accessibility across the genome. By sequencing regions of open chromatin, ATAC-Seq can help you uncover how chromatin packaging and other factors affect gene expression.

How much does a NovaSeq run cost?

Illumina Services

Service Unit Pricing
NovaSeq 6000 S4 150 bp PE lane *** per lane (2.5 Billion reads 2,3) $4,500.00
NovaSeq 6000 SP 100 bp PE flow cell per cell (800M reads 2) – 2 independent lanes $5,100.00
NovaSeq 6000 SP 150 bp PE flow cell per cell (800M reads 2) – 2 independent lanes $5,400.00