
How much does it cost to get a driving license in Singapore?

How much does it cost to get a driving license in Singapore?

Getting a Driver’s License in Singapore – How Much Does It Cost?

Driving School Private Driving Instructor
Practical Driving Test $33 $33
Practical Test Car Rental $195.81 to $231.12 $195.81 to $231.12
Driver’s License Fee $50 $50
ESTIMATED TOTAL $1,860 to $2,400 $1,340 to $1,790

Can you pass driving test in a month?

So, although driving isn’t easy, passing your test within a month is definitely achievable—if you plan ahead. Because, unfortunately, booking in one day and getting behind the wheel the next is just not how the process works. The best way to figure out timings is to work backwards from your driving test.

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Can I start driving as soon as I pass?

But in any case, you can start driving immediately once you pass your test. There’s no need to wait for your full licence to arrive. That means that you’ll even be able to drive home from your test, and you’ll do so as a fully qualified driver as long as you have the right car insurance in place!

How can I pass my driving test in Singapore?

Tips for passing your driving test in Singapore

  1. Take your test after booking out from camp.
  2. Exaggerate actions when checking mirrors and blind spots.
  3. Pick a strategic timing and location for your test.
  4. Jam the emergency brake super hard when they call for it.
  5. Be IN the waiting room, not outside it.

What’s the quickest someone has passed their driving test?

when it took Lewis Hamilton six hours. It’s a driving record that even Lewis Hamilton couldn’t achieve. But Daniel Lloyd has passed his driving test on his 17th birthday after just 90 minutes tuition.

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Does the driving test go quick?

The standard learner test in total takes around 40 minutes or so unless you’re taking an extended test imposed for those that have had their licence revoked, in which case takes about one hour. As you’ll be concentrating, the driving part of the practical test in particular goes very quickly for most.