
How much French is spoken in Montreal?

How much French is spoken in Montreal?

Still in 2016, 87.4\% of the population of the city of Montreal considered themselves fluent in French while 91.4\% could speak it in the metropolitan area. Montreal is one of the most bilingual cities in Quebec and Canada, with 57.4\% of the population able to speak both English and French.

What percentage of Canada speaks French as their first language?


Population Detailed data 1 (Number) Detailed data 1 (Percentage)
Total 34,767,250 100\%
English 26,007,500 74.8\%
French 7,705,755 22.2\%
English and French 417,485 1.2\%

Do people in Montreal really speak French?

Yes, French is the primary language of business and commerce in Montréal, and pretty much everyone speaks it either as a first language or very functionally as a second (or more) language.

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How many people from Montreal speak French as their first language?

Numbers of native speakers

Language Number of native speakers Percentage of singular responses
French 6,102,210 78.1\%
English 1,103,475 13.7\%
Arabic 164,390 2.1\%
Spanish 141,000 1.8\%

How many people in Montreal only speak French?

there are also
However, there are also people who are not bilingual in the city. According to another census, 37\% of the population only speak French and 7.4\% only speak English.

What percentage of Montreal is bilingual?

The proportion rose to 37\% in the Montreal metropolitan area, where bilingualism is common.

How many French speak in Quebec?

Quebec is the only province whose sole official language is French. Today, 71.2 percent of Quebecers are first language francophones. About 95 percent of Quebecers speak French.

Does everyone in Montreal speak English?

Although many people in Montreal speak English, in any other part of the province you will find that English is rarely used. This is also true of parts of New Brunswick, the province to the east of Quebec.