
How much is Amazon SDE 2 salary?

How much is Amazon SDE 2 salary?

Average Amazon Software Development Engineer II salary in India is ₹ 36.5 Lakhs for employees with experience between 3 years to 9 years. Software Development Engineer II salary at Amazon ranges between ₹ 24 Lakhs to ₹ 50.1 Lakhs. Salary estimates are based on 255 salaries received from various employees of Amazon.

What is the salary of Sde 2?

The average salary for a SDE2 is ₹24,87,101 per year in India, which is 12\% lower than the average Amazon salary of ₹28,45,402 per year for this job.

What is the salary range for an sde-2 at Amazon?

First, at Amazon, SDE-2 is not the same as senior software engineer. SDE-3 is a senior software engineer. For an SDE-2, the salary ranges from 14.5 LPA to 22LPA depending upon how close you are to SDE-3 promotion. Additionally, you will get RSU for 10-15LPA that vest over a period of 4 years.

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What is the salary of a fresher software engineer at Amazon India?

First hand information received from someone working at Amazon India: Fresher’s 12 lakhs fixed + 3 lakhs stocks and 3 lakhs joining bonus. 16LPA may be. In India, what is the salary at which most of the software engineers get stagnated in, and after how many years of experience does this typically happen?

What are the different levels of software engineers at Amazon?

Software engineers at Amazon start at SDE 1 (level 4), and go through SDE 2 (5), SDE 3 (Senior SDE, 6), Principal SDE (7), and Senior Principal (8). There are a few Distinguished Engineers (10) but I wouldn’t hold my breath. SDE 1 is focused on the team.

What is the highest salary Amazon can pay?

Amazon does pay a maximum salary of $160K worldwide (slight exception in Silicon Valley and NYC areas) with the remainder of one’s compensation being in RSUs. For new hires, RSUs vest 5\% the first year, 15\% the second year, and 20\% every six months in years 3 and 4.