
How much scholarship can I get from CSIR NET?

How much scholarship can I get from CSIR NET?

scholars in the field of Science & Technology. The JRF selected candidate through CSIR-UGC National Eligibility Test (NET) will receive the stipend of INR 31000 per month for the period of two years. In addition, annual contingent grant of INR 20,000 per fellow will be provided to the University / Institution.

How can I get Shyama Prasad Mukherjee fellowship?

Eligibility Criteria for calling candidates for interview: A maximum of 10 SPM Fellowships each in Chemical Sciences and Life Sciences, and 5 each in Earth, Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences will be awarded through interview mode from NET held in December 2014.

What is CSIR SPM fellowship?

SHYAMA PRASAD MUKHERJEE (SPM) FELLOWSHIP” open to toppers of CSIR-UGC JRF (NET) awardees. Objective: To nurture the budding scientific talent and to nourish the objective of pursuit of scientific research. D programme with a special fellowship in CSIR Labs/other specialized R & D institutions / universities.

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Who is eligible for ICMR?

Q3: What are the eligibility criteria to apply for ICMR JRF 2021? Ans : The eligibility requirements is that a candidate must have M.Sc./M.A. or equivalent degree with minimum 55\% marks for General/OBC candidates and 50\% for the SC/ST, Physically Handicapped (PH) & Visually Handicapped (VH) candidates.

What is the CSIR Shyama Prasad Mukherjee Fellowship?

CSIR Shyama Prasad Mukherjee Fellowship (SPMF) is named after Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukherjee, who was the first Vice-President of CSIR in the Independent India. To commemorate the birth centenary year (2000) of Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukherjee, CSIR has instituted this special fellowship.

What is the eligibility criteria for CSIR Junior Research Fellowship?

The candidates holding any of the following degrees with at least 55\% marks (General and OBC) or 50\% marks (ST/SC/PWD) will be eligible for the reward of Junior Research Fellowship offered by CSIR. BS-4 Years Program BE or B. Tech

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What is the Fellowship for CSIR NET exam toppers?

The Fellowship is open to all the JRF toppers of CSIR NET Exam. The main objective of the fellowship is to nurture the budding scientific talent and to nourish the objective of the pursuit of scientific research. How many SPM Scholarships are offered to the CSIR NET Exam Toppers?

What is the CSIR Merit aspirant Fellowship?

Candidates who get top rank in the exam are entitled for appreciation. To praise such talented candidates who have put their maximum efforts and fulfilled their dreams by achieving the top scores in the exam, CSIR has started a fellowship only for the merit achievers.