
How much scholarships does UBC give to international students?

How much scholarships does UBC give to international students?

(UBC automatically considers all international students for the merit-based International Major Entrance Scholarships and Outstanding International Student Awards scholarships, totalling a maximum value of $25,000 per year.

How do you get a 100\% UBC scholarship?


  1. Be applying for their first undergraduate degree (it is open to any course)
  2. Be admissible to the first choice program they are applying to, including meeting UBC’s English Language Admission Standard.
  3. Have an excellent academic record (at least an “A” average or equivalent standard)

How much is the international major entrance scholarship at UBC?

The scholarship totals up to $40,000 CAD, payable at up to $10,000 CAD per year for four years.

Does UBC give scholarship to international students?

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International Major Entrance Scholarships (IMES) are awarded to exceptional international students entering undergraduate programs at UBC. Students receive their IMES when they enter their first year at UBC, and the scholarships are renewable for up to three additional years of study.

Does UBC provide scholarships for international students?

Academic units offers several scholarship opportunities for international students who meet the eligibility requirements. You may also fund your education at UMKC with a variety of private scholarships.

Does UBC accept international students?

UBC welcomes applications from outstanding international students. Well-qualified applicants from recognized secondary schools, colleges, and universities will be considered, as well as students applying as transfer students from recognized universities and colleges.

How can international students get scholarships in Canada?

One way that international students can help finance their studies in Canada is through scholarships, which are non-repayable financial awards. They tend to be granted to students with outstanding academic achievement, although some also recognize volunteer and work experience.