
How much should I charge my clients as a personal trainer?

How much should I charge my clients as a personal trainer?

A typical rate is around $60 to $70 for a one-hour training session. But outliers can make anywhere from $40 to $400 and beyond. Some may even offer weeks- or months-long packages for four or five figures. Finding the right rate for you starts with the annual take-home you want.

What is a good profit margin for personal training?

For most fitness businesses, a healthy margin needs to be over 60\%. Example: If your private training sessions price at $85 per hour, and you set coaching pay at $30 per hour, the margin would be 65\%. That’s a good margin.

What is the average cost of a personal trainer?

Personal trainers cost $39-$100 per hour nationwide. The average personal trainer cost is $60 per hour. Your location, the length and number of sessions, and the type of session (group training or personal training) all affect personal trainer costs.

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Is 1 personal training session a week enough?

For most beginners, training 1x per week is simply not enough, a lot can happen in a week. Although you may make progress in one session, its very easy for clients to slip back into old habits before they come to see you again.

What is the minimum margin for a successful personal training business?

There are margin guidelines for each type of training, which we discuss more in our coaching programs, but for now just know that for private training, your margins need to be over 60\%. It’s nearly impossible to make the economics of a fitness business work with less margin than that.

Why are personal trainers so expensive?

The Two Big Reasons Personal Fitness Trainers Are So Expensive. When you hire a one-on-one personal trainer, you’re reserving a specific block of their time. Because they wouldn’t be able to work with anyone else during that time, they have to keep prices at a premium.

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What annoys a personal trainer?

Personal trainers are also annoyed by laziness, but not as much as skipping appointments. While it may not overly irk the instructor of a group class, skipping a 1-on-1 session with a personal trainer is sure to get on their nerves. Time is money, and even personal trainers don’t want it wasted.

How long should a personal training session be?

Sixty minutes remains the most popular duration for a personal training session, according to Idea. But some experts say a full hour isn’t necessary. O’Donnell cut his training sessions down to 30 minutes for most clients. Some clients had gotten too comfortable, preferring chatting to sweating.