
How popular is the show Supernatural?

How popular is the show Supernatural?

Supernatural is not popular in the same way that Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad or The Walking Dead are. If you look at the number of IMDB user ratings, Supernatural has only around 250,000 ratings as opposed to the ~1 million ratings for GoT.

Is Supernatural popular in other countries?

The fantasy series, Supernatural, created as a modern-day Western by Eric Kripke, follows two brothers who hunt demons, monsters, and other supernatural beings across the US. The show has won over audiences elsewhere, too. Supernatural’s biggest fanbase is now in Russia.

Is Supernatural a fandom?

Introduction to Supernatural and the SPN Family The Supernatural fandom is one of the most prolific fan communities in recent history. This assertion is supported by the sheer magnitude of fan created content on the internet. The fandom dominates Tumblr, Instagram and other social media platforms.

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How many people are fans of Supernatural?

Despite relatively low viewership — according to Nielsen, Supernatural averaged 2.75 million live + 7 viewers last season — the show continues to survive and thrive. It owes some of its success to its secret weapon: one of the largest and most devoted TV fandoms.

What demographic watches Supernatural?

“It’s made successes out of shows that might not have [otherwise] been sampled, and a lot of it has to do with the fact that Supernatural brought in an audience that demographically was 50-50, male to female. Its audience was passionate and willing to sample, and for that I’ll miss it.”

How long does it take to film a season of Supernatural?

Supernatural takes 8 working days to film an episode. Production runs Monday to Friday. If Episode 1 starts on a Monday, the last day of filming is the following Wednesday and Episode 2 starts filming on Thursday.

How many total episodes of Supernatural are there?

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Supernatural/Number of episodes

What is the film supernatural about?

This documentary film examines the phenomenon of fan interest in the TV series “Supernatural” from the viewpoint of actors, producers, directors of the show and from that of many of the show’s followers.

How many seasons of supernatural have there been?

The fifth season concluded the series’ main storyline, and Kripke departed the series as showrunner. The series continued on for 10 more seasons with new showrunners, including Sera Gamble, Jeremy Carver, Robert Singer and Andrew Dabb. With its eleventh season, Supernatural became the longest-running American live-action fantasy TV series.

Is supernatural the longest running sci fi series in the US?

After 15 seasons, the longest running sci fi series in the US is coming to an end. Baby, it’s the final ride for saving people and hunting things. The epic journey of the Winchester brothers come to a close as Supernatural enters its final season.

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How many articles are currently being edited on supernatural?

We are currently editing over 4,941 articles, and you can help! Supernatural is an American television series by Eric Kripke.