
How was Hermione in 2 classes at once?

How was Hermione in 2 classes at once?

Unfortunately, there was not enough time in the week to take all of her electives, so Hermione was given a time turner. The time turner allowed Hermione to regularly go back in time and attend all of the classes in her frequently double-booked schedule.

How did Hermione take extra lessons her third year?

23) How did Hermione take extra lessons her third year? During her third year, Hermione used the Time-Turner to relive hours over again so she could do several lessons at once.

How did Hermione use the Time-Turner to get to class?

With permission from the Ministry of Magic, Professor McGonagall gave Hermione a Time Turner, a device that lets you travel back in time a couple of hours. Using this, Hermione went to multiple classes at the same time.

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How many classes did Hermione take?

Hermione signed up for all 3rd Year Electives: (Arithmancy, Care of Magical Creatures, Divination, Muggle Studies, & Study of Ancient Ruins) Hermione had a total of 12 classes & has a time turner. Chapter 22 – Hermione can drop 2 classes (Divination & Muggles Studies) and return to a normal schedule (10 classes).

Why didnt they use a time-turner to save Cedric?

Originally Answered: Harry Potter Book 4: Goblet of Fire: Why was a time-turner not used to save Cedric Diggory’s life? It needs to be said, once and for all, that time turners cannot change the timeline. Time turners cannot bring back the dead. Time turners cannot change anything that has already happened.

Why would McGonagall gave Hermione a time-turner?

Hermione Granger received one from Professor McGonagall in 1993, so that she could attend more classes in her third year than time would allow. Special permission from the Ministry of Magic had to be sought to allow Hermione to use one, but her academic record ensured that permission was given.