
In what cases can the medical data of the patient be disclosed?

In what cases can the medical data of the patient be disclosed?

It can be disclosed to the parents or the legal guardian of the patient where the patient is not of legal age or mentally incapacitated; and if the patient is of legal age, then, the information can be disclosed with his right to choose the person to whom the medical information should be communicated.

Is drug use protected under Hipaa?

The HIPAA Privacy Rule permits disclosures without patient consent for treatment, payment, or healthcare operations. However, for patients with substance abuse disorders, such disclosures may lead to stigma and discrimination by healthcare providers, the potential loss of insurance, and even loss of employment.

What kind of confidential information is protected by Hipaa’s Privacy Rule?

The Privacy Rule protects all “individually identifiable health information” held or transmitted by a covered entity or its business associate, in any form or media, whether electronic, paper, or oral. The Privacy Rule calls this information “protected health information (PHI).”

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What is a QSOA agreement?

A QSOA is a two-way agreement between a Part 2 program and the entity providing the service, for example a lab. The QSOA authorizes communication only between the Part 2 program and QSO.

Under what circumstances are you allowed to disclose patient information?

Health care providers may disclose the necessary protected health information to anyone who is in a position to prevent or lessen the threatened harm, including family, friends, caregivers, and law enforcement, without a patient’s permission.

Which of the following could be a reason why a client is denied access to their health information?

General concerns about psychological or emotional harm are not sufficient to deny an individual access (e.g., concerns that the individual will not be able to understand the information or may be upset by it). In addition, the requested access must be reasonably likely to cause harm or endanger physical life or safety.

How do you comply with HIPAA Privacy Rule?

The Privacy Rule requires Business Associates to do the following:

  1. Do not allow any impermissible uses or disclosures of PHI.
  2. Provide breach notification to the Covered Entity.
  3. Provide either the individual or the Covered Entity access to PHI.
  4. Disclose PHI to the Secretary of HHS, if compelled to do so.
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Why would a client be denied access to their health information?

What does 42 CFR Part 2 relate to?

The 42 CFR Part 2 regulations (Part 2) serve to protect patient records created by federally assisted programs for the treatment of substance use disorders (SUD).