
Is a large population considered a liability or asset?

Is a large population considered a liability or asset?

In India large population is considered a liability for decades and it could be turned into an asset by the correct investment of capital and resources.

How is population is liability and how can it be made an asset?

Illiterate and unhealthy population are a liability for the economy whereas literate and healthy population is an asset.

How is population an asset?

For low-income countries, where a significant proportion of the population is underemployed, a large population that is expected to increase further is a potential asset rather than a liability, if people, their most abundant yet underutilized resource, can be mobilized for development.

Is population an asset or liability class 9?

Population is considered an asset because they can work to add to the economy of a country.

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How does population become human capital?

Population becomes human capital when there is investment made in the form of education, training and medical care. In fact, human capital is the stock of skill and productive knowledge embodied in them.

What kind of people are liability for country?

The type of population that is a liability for the economy is the Unhealthy people. The unhealthy people prove to be a burden for the country. Because for the progress of a country, we need good human capital, and the unhealthy people do not give any output, but use all the resources.

Is population of India an asset or liability?

According to the Indian Labor Report ,300 million youth would enter the labor force by 2025 ,and 25 \% of the world’s workers in the next three years would be Indian. India’s population is an asset as it would result in high income which would in turn result in higher saving ,clear indicators of economic growth .

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How do you make a large population into a productive asset?

A large population can be turned into a productive asset by investment in human capital by spending resources on education and health for all, training of industrial and agricultural workers in the use of modern technology, and useful scientific researches, etc.

How can large population be turned into a productive asset explain?

(i) A large population can be turned into a productive asset by investment in human capital. (ii) By spending resources on education and health for all. (iii) By training of industrial and agricultural workers in the use of modern technology.

How a large population can be converted into asset rather than liability?

How population is an asset for the economy rather than liability?

Answer: Population is an asset rather than a liability because if some money is spend on human resources, people would get better education which would lead to more people doing skilled work because of which the GDP would increase as many people will work together.