
Is a rock an ore?

Is a rock an ore?

Ore is natural rock or sediment that contains one or more valuable minerals, typically containing metals, that can be mined, treated and sold at a profit. Ore is extracted from the earth through mining and treated or refined, often via smelting, to extract the valuable metals or minerals.

What is the difference between an ore and a rock quizlet?

ores contain a large concentration of a particular mineral; a rock may or may not be an ore.

Which ore is the rock mineral?

An ore is a rock that contains minerals in concentrations that are high enough for economical extraction. For example, bauxite is an aluminium ore. It is a heterogeneous mixture of various aluminium minerals and other materials such as silica and iron oxides.

What are examples of ore?

Ores are minerals that have a high concentration of a certain element, typically a metal. Examples are cinnabar (HgS), an ore of mercury, sphalerite (ZnS), an ore of zinc, or cassiterite (SnO2), an ore of tin (Mineral). Part A: The table lists several ores of metals and their chemical formulas.

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Is a Diamond an ore?

Diamond ore is technically not an ore as it is a precious stone, rather than a malleable material or metal.

What is an ore What is the difference between a high grade ore and a low grade ore?

What is the difference between a high grade and a low grade ore? High-grade ore contains a large concentration of the desired mineral. Low-grade ore has a smaller concentration.

Which statement defines a ore?

(Entry 1 of 4) 1 : a naturally occurring mineral containing a valuable constituent (such as metal) for which it is mined and worked. 2 : a source from which valuable matter is extracted.

What is an ore Short answer?

An ore is a mineral which has a valuable metal inside it. Ores are usually extracted by being mined. Most ores are chemical compounds such as oxides or sulfides. There are different ways to get the metal out of the ore. Iron ore, for example, is smelted in a blast furnace.

Is Diamond A ore?