
Is anything actually worth its weight in gold?

Is anything actually worth its weight in gold?

If we say that someone or something is worth their weight in gold, we mean that they are extremely useful. Interestingly, this expression can be used to describe things that do not have a physical weight: A good assistant is worth their weight in gold.

Which trade item is worth its weight in gold?

Worth its Weight in Gold Salt was a highly valued commodity not only because it was unobtainable in the sub-Saharan region but because it was constantly consumed and supply never quite met the total demand.

What is literally worth its weight in gold?

: very useful, valuable, or important Good teachers are worth their weight in gold.

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What does salt was worth its weight in gold mean?

worth one’s weight in gold Very valuable, as in John’s been extremely helpful; he’s worth his weight in gold, or That tractor’s been worth its weight in gold. This metaphoric term dates from Roman times and appeared in English by the early 1300s.

Where does worth your weight in gold come from?

Very valuable, as in John’s been extremely helpful; he’s worth his weight in gold, or That tractor’s been worth its weight in gold. This metaphoric term dates from Roman times and appeared in English by the early 1300s.

Did the wealth of Ghana came from taxing trade in their territory?

Ghana grew wealthy from trade through taxation. Along with gold and salt traders carried copper, silver, cloth and spices. As Ghana was in a prime location in between salt and gold mines, rulers taxed traders passing through Ghana. Traders had to pay taxes on the goods they carried to Ghana and took away with them.

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What is worth your salt mean?

phrase. If you say, for example, that any doctor worth his or her salt would do something, you mean that any doctor who was good at his or her job or who deserved respect would do it.

What does it mean to pull your weight in gold?

phrase. If you say that someone or something is worth their weight in gold, you are emphasizing that they are so useful, helpful, or valuable that you feel you could not manage without them.

What does the phrase met his Waterloo mean?

Definition of meet one’s Waterloo : to be defeated The governor finally met his Waterloo in the last election.

What does to be worth its salt mean?

phrase. If you say, for example, that any doctor worth his or her salt would do something, you mean that any doctor who was good at his or her job or who deserved respect would do it. Any coach worth his salt would do exactly as I did.

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What caused the Ghana rulers to become rich?

Ghana’s rulers gained incredible wealth from trade, taxes on traders and on the people of Ghana, and their own personal stores of gold. They used their wealth to build an army and an empire. Extensive trade routes brought the people of Ghana into contact with people of many different cultures and beliefs.