
Is blogger the same as BlogSpot?

Is blogger the same as BlogSpot?

Blogger is a free publishing platform, while BlogSpot is a free domain service provider. They’re both owned by Google and are used together on the Blogger platform. To summarize: Google hosts your blog on their Blogger platform with a default BlogSpot domain.

Is BlogSpot real?

Blogspot is a free and amateur platform from which many unprofessional blogs derive. Unfortunately, the “website. blogspot. subdomain” is associated with such amateur blogs.

Will BlogSpot shut down?

Blogger will still be up. Google has no plan of shutting down blogger . Here’s a post on how blogger will be affected by Google+ shutting down . Some features will be gone such as google+ comments & the Google+ about me section.

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Can we earn money from blogspot?

Of course, you can make money from blogspot blogs. Even though Blogger blogging platform allows you to create blogs, at the same time, it will also help you monetize your blogs through Google AdSense. Do I have to pay anything to start a blogspot blog? Nothing.

How do I delete blogspot?

Delete or restore your blog

  1. Sign in to Blogger.
  2. At the top left, click the blog you want to delete.
  3. In the left menu, click Settings.
  4. Under “Manage blog,” click Remove your blog. Delete.

Are BlogSpot safe?

Is BlogSpot safe? As Google owns Blogger, it is a much safer website than a self-hosted WP blog. If you enable two-factor authentication, it will be impossible for a hacker to take over your site because blogger asks users to enter their Gmail password to log into their profile.

How do I delete BlogSpot?

Who is the Blogger?

A blogger is someone who writes regularly for an online journal or website. A political blogger might provide weekly commentary on current events. A personal blogger keeps a website which may include diary-like entries, photographs, and links to other sites.

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Should you host your blog on Blogspot or blogger?

Basically, if you host your blog on Google’s Blogspot or use Blogger; you are giving Google the right to control and access your content and information. Even shut down your blog when they see fit to do so.

What is Blogspot and how does it work?

Firstly, BlogSpot is a blogging platform powered by Google. It offers you an opportunity to start a blog, but all your images will be hosted by Picasa (also part of Google). BlogSpot, in this sense, is a Google-centric blogging platform.

Do you use Google Blogger to produce your blog?

If you use Google Blogger to produce your blog or host your Blogger blog on Blogspot, this could happen to you : This week I attended a Blogger MeetUp which I set up in the Tampa Bay area to meet and get to know other bloggers. I found the MeetUp to be a success and hope to work with others to grow the networking of bloggers in this area.

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How to create a blog with a blogspot domain?

Open Blogger in your internet browser. Type into the address bar, and press ↵ Enter or ⏎ Return on your keyboard. Blogger will allow you to create a new blog with a Blogspot URL domain.