
Is Chimney Sweeping still a thing?

Is Chimney Sweeping still a thing?

Today, chimney sweeps still maintain a thriving new industry in many parts of the world. Most modern chimney sweeps are professionals, and are usually trained to diagnose and repair hazards along with maintenance such as removal of flammable creosote, firebox and damper repair, and smoke chamber repair.

Is Chimney sweeping a legal requirement?

There are no licensing requirements relating specifically to chimney sweeps. However, if you intend to carry out any installation, inspection or maintenance work on gas appliances, you must be registered with the Gas Safe Register.

Do all chimneys need sweeping?

Chimneys should be checked and cleaned annually unless a professional recommends otherwise. They said to ensure your chimney “doesn’t have any build-up that may cause loss or damage as a result of poor maintenance, it’s best to have your chimney swept regularly”.

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Do wood burner chimneys need sweeping?

HETAS encourage having your chimney swept at least twice a year when burning wood or bituminous house coal and at least once a year when burning smokeless fuels. The best times to have your chimney swept are just before the start of the heating season and after your stove has not been used over a prolonged period.

When should a chimney be swept?

You should get your chimney inspected or cleaned at least once a year for all types of fireplaces. If you regularly burn wood or coal in your fireplace, you should sweep your chimney every season.

How are chimneys cleaned nowadays?

WHEN YOU THINK chimney sweep, you might think of a sooty-faced Victorian gent with an enormous brush over one shoulder, a flat cap on his head and a general jaunty air. Nowadays the actual cleaning itself is done via power sweeping. That’s with rods that spin and clean mechanically.

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Is a tenant responsible for chimney cleaning?

The landlord is responsible for ensuring that at the start of the tenancy the chimney, flues and fireplace are in good order and repair, with the chimney swept and in a safe condition.

What happens if you don’t clean your fireplace?

When your chimney is not cleaned for a long time, a substance called creosote keeps building up in the flue during the use of the fireplace. This creosote is highly flammable and can lead to a dangerous chimney fire (an uncontrolled 2000 degree fire burning inside the chimney).

Why do chimneys need to be swept?

A chimney sweep is a reliable way to prevent a chimney fire Creosote is a black, sticky residue that is left inside your chimney when wood is burned or when there isn’t enough ventilation. The problem with creosote is that it’s highly flammable, making it one of the main causes of chimney fires.