
Is f3 5 Good enough?

Is f3 5 Good enough?

f/3.5–5.6 isn’t particularly a “fast” zoom lens, that is, one that lets in a lot of light. But it’s certainly a usable range. You don’t mention the kind of camera you are using, film or digital. Film has a more restricted level of sensitivity than digital so that will be a greater concern.

What does f3 5 lens mean?

It means that the widest aperture is variable. It varies with the focal length of the lens that you are zoomed to. So at 28mm the widest aperture is f3. 5 or when zoomed in all the way (using the longest focal length of 70mm) where the aperture will be f5.

What does f 4.5-5.6 mean on a lens?

The f4.5 being the maximum f stop possible for the lens at 55mm and 5.6 being the maximum at 200mm. The smaller the fstop number the lower is the depth of field in a photograph. ( In lay man’s terms smaller f number means more blured out background in a picture)

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What do the numbers f 3.5-5.6 refer to on a camera lens?

If there is a range of numbers after the slash, like there is for example in “18-55mm f/3.5-5.6,” that means that the lens has a lens speed of f/3.5 at the 18mm focal length, but a lens speed of f/5.6 at the 55mm focal length. Its lens speed smoothly changes between these two extremes.

Is f3 5 A fast lens?

A lens with a larger maximum aperture (that is, a smaller minimum f-number) is called a “fast lens” because it can achieve the same exposure with a faster shutter speed. Lenses may also be referred to as being “faster” or “slower” than one another; so an f/3.5 lens can be described as faster than an f/5.6.

Can you get bokeh with f5 6?

I have been primarily shooting with a Canon 18-135 f/3.5-5.6 for several years now, and I am not completely satisfied with it. The problems I have are: A bit too wide on the low end. A bit too short on the long end.

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What do zoom lens numbers mean?

Focal length is expressed in mm and a higher number means a bigger zoom, while a lower number mean the lens can be used for wider shots. If the lens has a focal length range with two numbers (say 24-80 mm) this means it’s a zoom lens and is capable of zooming and being used at any point across that range.

What does the millimeter on a lens mean?

Focal length
Focal length, usually represented in millimeters (mm), is the basic description of a photographic lens. The longer the focal length, the narrower the angle of view and the higher the magnification. The shorter the focal length, the wider the angle of view and the lower the magnification.

What do the numbers on a camera lens mean?

Focal length is expressed in mm and a higher number means a bigger zoom, while a lower number mean the lens can be used for wider shots. A number lower than 30-50 mm will take in a bigger view than you naturally see, while higher numbers mean focus will be on a smaller aspect of your view.

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What does f4 5 Mean on a camera?

4. 5. It means it’s a zoom lens that can open as wide as f/4 when zoomed out to the widest angle of view. When zoomed in to the longest focal length it will only be able to open up to f/5.6.

What do the numbers on a camera lense mean?