
Is it illegal to tell someone where a speed camera is?

Is it illegal to tell someone where a speed camera is?

PEOPLE who use social media to warn other drivers about the location of speed camera traps could end up with a large fine. If you warn others about police speed vans you could be in breach of section 89 of the Police Act 1997.

Can speed cameras be placed at the bottom of a hill?

Every motorist in every state can quote numerous occasions where mobile speed detection devices have been located at the bottom of a hill, or within 300 metres of a sign advising a change of speed limit. Even worse, many fixed cameras are positioned on downhill gradients.

Can you see the flash of a speed camera?

As speed cameras – including speed guns – can measure your speed without the need for a visible flash, there is no way of telling if they are working.

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How far can a speed camera catch you Australia?

The camera will photograph a speeding vehicle at an average distance of 12 metres.

Is it illegal to warn drivers of a speed trap in Australia?

Flashing your headlights to warn other drivers of a speed trap might be illegal, but a US court has now ruled it is also free speech. In Australia, flashing your headlights within 200m of an oncoming vehicle is considered dangerous as it dazzles the approaching driver and attracts a low-level fine.

Can the police hide with a speed camera?

Legally, the police don’t have to be visible when operating a mobile speed camera and could camouflage themselves if they saw fit. There is also nothing to stop officers operating in the dark. However, they don’t often choose to do this and maintain that being visible acts as a deterrent in its own right.

What distance does a speed camera van Work?

What are the different types of mobile speed camera? What distance do mobile speed cameras work from? Typically, depending on the type of mobile speed camera, the range will be about two miles on a straight bit of road – they cannot work round bends or over brows of hills.