
Is it OK to ask someone about their past relationships?

Is it OK to ask someone about their past relationships?

If you feel comfortable chatting about the past, that’s great. But don’t ask questions if you think you might “use what you know in a negative way,” couples psychotherapist Tina B. “It is OK to ask what went wrong in the prior relationship, and also share what went wrong with your exes.

When should you ask about past relationships?

wait until you feel comfortable enough with him to ask about his ex, or until he asks you. This is always a solid approach. Eventually most guys, if they’re serious about wanting to be in a relationship with you, will get curious.

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Should you talk about past relationships when dating?

Not only does talking about your ex on your date make it hard to stay in the present, but it may also give them the wrong impression. “If that’s the case, you should let your date know you’re proud that you’ve been able to keep a healthy friendship with your ex, but there’s no chance of reconciliation,” says Spira.

How do you ask someone about their past relationships?

Here are some questions you can ask if you want to know more about an SO’s exes (without getting more info than you actually want).

  1. Who was your first celebrity crush?
  2. Who was your first real-life crush?
  3. When was your first kiss?
  4. How did you lose your virginity?
  5. How many serious relationships have you been in?

Should I ask about past relationships on first date?

Originally Answered: Is it ok to ask a girl if she ever had any previous boyfriends on first date? No, a first date is not for questions that put people”on the spot.” If it comes up in conversation in a natural way, perhaps offer your own history first, as a way of opening the floor; then ask her.

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What should I ask my boyfriend about his past relationship?

10 Questions To Ask Your Boyfriend About His Ex

  • How many past relationships have you had?
  • How did you meet your ex?
  • Are you in touch with your ex?
  • Why did you break up?
  • How serious was the relationship?
  • Did you introduce your ex to your parents?
  • How long ago did you break up?
  • Are you sure you’re over your ex?

Why would a guy ask about your past relationships?

When a guy continuously asks about your ex, it’s because he subconsciously wants to know how far he can push you and what he can get away with, it also means that he’s comparing himself to your ex.

What should you never ask on a first date?

The 20 Questions You Should Never Ask On a First Date

  • “You Seem Great, So Why Are You Still Single?”
  • “What Dating Apps Are You On?”
  • “You’re Not Crazy, Are You?”
  • “Where Do You See This Relationship Going?”
  • “How Much Did That Cost?”
  • “Are You Seeing Anyone Else?”
  • “Do You Like My Outfit?”
  • “Do You Want to Have Kids?”
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Why is he telling me about his past?

When a guy feels comfortable enough to share deep and personal thoughts with you, open up about his past, and be vulnerable around you, this means that he’s interested in taking your relationship to the next level and having something more.