
Is it OK to swim in a pool without chlorine?

Is it OK to swim in a pool without chlorine?

The Bottom Line about Pools and Chlorine As mentioned above, you could probably swim in a pool without chlorine without any major health issues. However, long-term use of a pool lacking chlorinated H2O could make you sick or, at the very least, contribute to rashes and other types of skin irritation.

Do I need to add chlorine to my pool daily?

Whenever it needs it. If you don’t have a home test kit, or know how to use it, then find a local pool store that will test samples you bring in. The best way is to test daily using a Taylor type kit in the evening once the sun is off the pool. Then use liquid chlorine to increase the level as required.

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Why does my pool water feel slimy?

The slimy feel on your pool walls is an early indication of algae growth. To stop algae growth in its tracks, clean the pool filter first. Before adding any chemicals to the pool, make sure you have a clean filter. A clean filter helps the circulation of chemicals and prevents bacterial growth.

Why do I keep losing chlorine in my pool?

Chlorine lock can occur when there is too much cyanuric acid (also referred to as conditioner or stabilizer) in the water. This occurs when too much stabilizer is added to the water or when the swimming pool isn’t being partially drained and refilled periodically. Chlorine lock can also occur if the pH is unbalanced.

How often should a pool be shocked?

about once a week
How Often Should I Shock My Pool? Shocking your pool regularly will help to keep the water clean and free of contaminants. You should aim to shock your pool about once a week, with the additional shock after heavy use. Some tell-tale signs that your pool needs to be shocked are cloudy, foamy, green, or odourous water.

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How often should pool water be changed?

every five to seven years
Generally, pool water needs to be replaced once every five to seven years. This should be done during mild weather so that your pool surface is not at risk from strong sunlight and heat. Your pool maintenance company can recommend when it is time to drain your pool.