
Is it old folk or old folks?

Is it old folk or old folks?

The distinction being that “folk” refers to a mass or a mob — It is referring to the collection or the mass itself. “Folks” is referring to the plurality of individuals that make up the mass. In your examples, either old folk (the retired population in general) or old folks (some set of individuals) would be correct.

What is another way to say old folks home?

What is another word for old folks home?

nursing home hospice
retirement home assisted living facility
care home convalescent hospital
old-age home old folks’ home
old people’s home old soldiers’ home
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How do you make folks possessive?

or phrase (fine folks, parties for the young folks), people indefinitely (folks say the house is haunted).

What is the meaning of old folks?

1. The old people of a particular place or social situation. noun. One’s elderly relations. noun.

What is the meaning of old folks home?

(əʊld ˈpiːpəlz həʊm) noun. a residence where old people live and are cared for when old age prevents them from looking after themselves in their own homes. The couple now live in an old people’s home.

Is there such a word as folks?

Word forms: folkslanguage note: Folk can also be used as the plural form for meaning [sense 1]. You can refer to people as folk or folks. You can use folks as a term of address when you are talking to several people. …

What do you call an old house?

Noun. Antiquated house. antiquated house. historic house.

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Is it Bob or Bob’s?

“Bobs” would be the plural. Using the apostrophe, it’s either possessive or a contraction. And because your second sentence is talking about two people named Bob, the singular use is incorrect.

Is it duchess’s or duchess?

duchess ​Definitions and Synonyms

singular duchess
plural duchesses

Is folks a formal word?

Answer. Both folks and guys are friendly informal words that are used to address, and sometimes refer to, groups of people. Folks is generally viewed as more respectful and polite and therefore tends to be used by adults talking to adults.

What does my folks mean?

my folks: my parents, my mum and dad. noun. I’d like you to meet my folks. This is my mum, Claire, and this is my dad, Steve.