
Is it possible to compile PHP code?

Is it possible to compile PHP code?

The simple answer is ‘no’. This is because PHP is an interpreted language meaning that you need to have a runtime engine that interprets and executes the PHP code. Technically speaking the code does get pre-compiled into a byte code prior to execution that the interpretive engine uses.

Does PHP compile to HTML?

The php pages are then compiled to static HTML using a Gulp plugin and the HTML files are then deployed to a production server. I’m now looking to create a variation of this compiled application with new branding. It will just involve changing some of the colours and logo.

Is PHP runtime or compile time?

PHP is an interpreted language, not compiled.

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How does PHP engine work?

PHP as an engine parses files into tokens, builds an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) and later on transform this tree into Opcodes. Such Opcodes can be cached for performance. On web servers PHP is normally used with PHP-FPM, which brings amazing scaling capabilities to it.

Why PHP is not compiled?

PHP is an interpreted language. It can be compiled to bytecode by third party-tools, though. “bytecode” is a term used for VM specific pseudo instructions, which are not native hence can’t be regarded as “compilation” in this context. “object code” is just bytecode for the CPU’s instruction decoder.


The JIT Compilation approach in PHP 8 means significantly better performance for numerical calculations and slightly better performance for typical PHP web applications. JIT compilation also unlocks the potential to move code from C to PHP, because PHP is now sufficiently fast.

Is PHP compiler or interpreter?

PHP is an interpreted language. The Zend Engine that is bundled with the PHP distribution is a scripting engine that interprets PHP scripts as a user has developed them. The Zend Engine internally compiles the PHP scripts into Zend opcodes or instruction machine code.

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What is PHP compile time?

compile-time is when the script file is loaded into memory and tokenized (if you’re using an opcode cache, this is a one-time exercise when the script is first requested); run time is when that code actually executes.

What is the difference between run and compile?

Compile-time and Runtime are the two programming terms used in the software development. Compile-time is the time at which the source code is converted into an executable code while the run time is the time at which the executable code is started running.

Where does PHP code run?

PHP is written as standard text files with the . php extension. PHP files are often saved within a folder in a web server’s public directory (or a web root directory). On most systems this will either be named public or public_html .

What server does PHP run on?

PHP works well with the Apache web server. PHP also works with Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) and others. If you can select or influence the selection of the web server used in your organization, select Apache. By itself, Apache is a good choice.