
Is it possible to destroy spacetime?

Is it possible to destroy spacetime?

No you can not destroy space, you can only make it lose energy. If a universe has enough mass to stop and reverse its expansion that was driven by the initial inflation then it may end in a big crunch subject to some fine tuned boundary conditions.

Can the fabric of spacetime be destroyed?

We could destroy the universe. Einstein’s general theory of relativity suggests that concentrating this kind of energy in a volume smaller than an atom might distort space and time enough to tear a hole in the fabric of the universe. This “mini black hole” could rapidly expand to engulf the entire cosmos.

How does time create gravity?

Yes, time goes faster the farther away you are from the earth’s surface compared to the time on the surface of the earth. This effect is known as “gravitational time dilation”. Gravitational time dilation occurs because objects with a lot of mass create a strong gravitational field.

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What would happen to the world if we don’t perceive it?

Quantum theory ended the classical view that particles exist if we don’t perceive them. But if the world is observer-created, we shouldn’t be surprised that it’s destroyed with each of us. Nor should we be surprised that space and time vanish, and with them all Newtonian conceptions of order and prediction.

What is the only thing that is affected by time?

This is all under the assumption that everything that makes up you, all the cells, microbes, and atoms, are the only things that are still affected by time. Everything else is at a stand-still.

What would happen if Earth destroyed the Moon?

Over time, those lunar fragments would de-orbit thanks to Earth’s atmosphere, creating a series of impacts. A ringed system around Earth, which could occur if the Moon were destroyed in just the right way. Image credit: Wikimedia Commons user Grebenkov, as an add on to the work of Eugene Stauffer.

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Can we create a world where time doesn’t move?

You have the laws of nature to thank. But although physics prevents us from creating a world where time doesn’t move, we can use physics to imagine what such a world would be like. Let’s assume for just a moment that you have achieved the impossible and have stopped time.