
Is it prise or pry?

Is it prise or pry?

As verbs the difference between pry and prise is that pry is to look where one is not welcome; to be nosey or pry can be to use leverage to open or widen (see also prise and prize) while prise is to force (open) with a lever; to pry.

Is Prise a real word?

To prise is to extract or move something using force, the way you’d prise your stolen diary out of your snooping sibling’s hands. The verb prise is good for when you use an effortful physical force. If you’re struggling to open an old window that’s painted shut, you may need a screwdriver to prise it open.

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What do you mean by Prise?

1. to force open by levering. 2. to extract or obtain with difficulty. they had to prise the news out of him.

What does Prised apart mean?

prised. DEFINITIONS1. to force two things apart. prise something off/apart/open: She prised the lid off the can with a screwdriver.

Is Prise a valid Scrabble word?

PRISE is a valid scrabble word.

Is aparts a word?

Apart is mostly used as an adverb, denoting a separation between two or more things. A part (two words) means “a fraction of a whole,” or in theatre, “an actor’s role.” Apart from is a frequently used preposition.

Is it Prise or price?

As nouns the difference between price and prise is that price is the cost required to gain possession of something while prise is (obsolete) an enterprise.

What’s the difference between price and Prise?

The price /praɪs/ of something is the amount of money that you must pay to buy it. The price of a cup of coffee is almost five dollars. The price is shown on the label. A prize /praɪz/ is something given to someone for winning a competition or game, or for doing good work.

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What does prized mean in a sentence?

Meaning of prized in English considered valuable and important: The 1961 vintage is highly prized among wine connoisseurs. Her photograph is among my most prized possessions.

Is it a part or part?

Use “part” when it is not meaningful without the rest of the whole; use “a part” when it is meaningful and combines with other meaningful parts of the same whole. For instance: A leg is part of my body; but This item is a part of my collection.

Which is correct apart or a part?

Here’s a tip: The difference between apart and a part is that apart implies a separation between things (they are away from one another), and a part denotes that a thing is a share of another, bigger thing (there’s togetherness going on).


Is it Prise or pry?

Is it Prise or pry?

As verbs the difference between pry and prise is that pry is to look where one is not welcome; to be nosey or pry can be to use leverage to open or widen (see also prise and prize) while prise is to force (open) with a lever; to pry.

What is the mean of pry?

pried; prying. Definition of pry (Entry 2 of 3) transitive verb. 1 : to raise, move, or pull apart with a lever : prize. 2 : to extract, detach, or open with difficulty pried the secret out of my sister.

Is it Prised or prized?

The definition of prised is a British spelling of the word “prized,” which means treasured or highly valued. Your most favored and valued possession is an example of your prised possession. Simple past tense and past participle of prise.

Is pry a word for probably?

It’s just an evolution of dialect and an easier way to say that common phrase. However, in this case, the pronunciation “prolly” is more common than “pry.” In the case of the latter, it would likely be seen as distinctly regional/sub-cultural or maybe a blue collar pronunciation.

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What is the etymology of pry?

“raise or move by force,” 1823, from a noun meaning “large lever used to raise or move heavy things, crowbar;” an alteration of prize (as though it were a plural) in its obsolete sense of “lever” (c. 1300), from Old French prise “a taking hold, grasp” (see prize (n. 2)).

How do you spell prize in UK?

Price, Prise, and Prize

  1. “The price” is the cost of something. For example:
  2. “To prise” (usually “to prise open”) is a British English variant spelling of “to prize open.” (” Prise” is pronounced “prize.”) For example:
  3. “A prize” is a reward given in recognition of an achievement. For example:

What does the word conkers mean?

Definition of conker 1 : a horse chestnut especially when used in conkers. 2 conkers plural : a game in which each player swings a horse chestnut on a string to try to break one held by the opponent.

Can be pried off?

1. Literally, to remove something from some surface with the force of a lever. A noun or pronoun can be used between “pry” and “off.” I tried to pry the bolts off this panel with a crowbar, but they wouldn’t budge. By extension, to separate someone from someone else with the use of great physical force.