
Is it safe to buy house near nuclear power plant?

Is it safe to buy house near nuclear power plant?

Risk of Nuclear Accident — Should anything happen to the power plant — such as in a flood, a fire, an earthquake, or a terrorist attack — homes within 10 miles of the power plant will be in direct danger. Homes further than 10 miles away will be marginally more likely to develop cancer, but the risk is negligible.

How close is it safe to live near a nuclear power plant?

Currently, if a radiological emergency occurs, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission recommends that anyone living within 10 miles of a plant to tune in to their local radio or television Emergency Alert System and heed the instructions from state or local officials.

Is people’s safety is compromised when they live near a nuclear power plant?

Although the construction and operation of these facilities are closely monitored and regulated by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), accidents are possible. An accident could result in dangerous levels of radiation that could affect the health and safety of the public living near the nuclear power plant.

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Are cancer rates higher near nuclear power plants?

For example, a case–control study of cancer among children < 5 years of age found that residence within 5 km of a nuclear facility was associated with a 61\% [one-sided lower bound of the 95\% confidence interval (CI), 26\%] increased incidence of all cancer (Spix et al.

Is it unhealthy to live near a power plant?

A review of studies over the past 30 years provides a body of evidence that people living near coal-fired power plants have higher death rates and at earlier ages, along with increased risks of respiratory disease, lung cancer, cardiovascular disease and other health problems.

What are the hazards of living near a nuclear plant?

Airborne and water- borne emissions of radioactive materials from the facilities’ normal operations (called efflu- ents) can expose nearby populations to ionizing radiation. This radiation could elevate the risk of cancer in the exposed populations.