
Is it tough to publish in Elsevier?

Is it tough to publish in Elsevier?

Elsevier journals also have a high journal impact factor overall. However, because Elsevier journals have a strong reputation to maintain, they also have strict standards for publishing. Even seemingly minor problems with an article can be a cause for immediate rejection of a submitted article without peer review.

How much does it cost to publish a research paper in Elsevier?

Elsevier’s APC prices are set on a per journal basis, fees range between c$150 and c$9900 US Dollars, excluding tax, with prices clearly displayed on our APC price list and on journal homepages. Adjustments in Elsevier’s APC prices are under regular review and are subject to change.

How long does it take to publish in Elsevier journal?

After acceptance, it currently takes 1 week to get a citable, uncorrected draft of the article online, another 4-5 weeks to get the final corrected article online, and a few weeks later this is compiled into an online volume and issue. The print copy follows 2-3 weeks later.

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Is Elsevier a top journal?

Elsevier is one of the most popular publishers in the world. Also, known as Reed Elsevier, its products include the Lancet and the Cell. It has a repository of more than 2700+ journals and publishes close to half a million articles annually.

What does Elsevier publish?

Elsevier’s products and services also include digital tools for data management, instruction, research analytics and assessment. Elsevier publishes more than 500,000 articles annually in 2,500 journals. Its archives contain over 17 million documents and 40,000 e-books.

Is it good to publish with Springer?

90\% of Springer Nature journal authors rated their overall experience with the publication process as excellent or good.

Is Elsevier an academic journal?

Elsevier publishes more than 500,000 articles annually in 2,500 journals. Its archives contain over 17 million documents and 40,000 e-books. Total yearly downloads amount to more than 1 billion.