
Is lagom framework dead?

Is lagom framework dead?

Today came news Typesafe is rebranding. A company built on the idea it could build a business around Scala will henceforth be called Lightbend, and is going after Java shops adopting microservices approaches with a new framework called Lagom – Swedish for “just enough”.

Should I use lagom?

Lagom Framework helps developers build microservices as systems — Reactive systems, to be precise — so that your microservices are elastic and resilient from within. We often recommend that our clients adopt Lagom Framework if their use cases are specifically focused on: RPC-style, backend microservices.

What is Scala lagom?

Lagom is an open source framework for building systems of Reactive microservices in Java or Scala. Lagom builds on Akka and Play, proven technologies that are in production in some of the most demanding applications today.

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What is lagom framework?

Lagom is an open source framework built with the shifting from monoliths to microservices-driven application architecture in mind. It abstracts the complexity of building, running and monitoring microservices driven applications.

What is a reactive Microservice?

Reactive Microservices offer isolation and autonomy at a level that traditional architectures cannot. Reactive Microservices each have a single responsibility and publish their capabilities through a protocol. They are message-driven and can cooperate and collaborate without being tightly coupled.

What is reactive Microservices architecture?

Reactive microservices architecture is a specific type of microservices architecture. The reactive property enables a service to be elastic (compute resources can scale up and down on the cloud), resilient (if a node fails, it can self-heal) and responsive (high availability / low latency).

What is a Microservices framework?

A microservices framework takes a big monolithic architecture that isn’t easy to maintain or change and make it easier to scale, replace, and change. Microservices address the concerns of the bigger systems, creating a framework that is a set of services that communicate using a messaging system such as REST over HTTP.

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What is pact in microservices?

The Pact Framework is an Implementation of Consumer Driven Contracts. These are simple JSON files that define expected request and response structure between two microservices. You can leverage this to test your microservices locally and on a CI environment.