
Is NH3 a strong field ligand with cobalt?

Is NH3 a strong field ligand with cobalt?

Hint:Ammonia is a ligand with medium field strength. In certain cases it acts as a strong field ligand like with cobalt but in other cases like with iron, manganese and nickel, it acts as a weak field ligand.

Why is Co a strong ligand field?

CO is a ligand that has vacant pi orbitals that creates a large extent of splitting in the d orbitals of the metal atom, this makes them a strong ligand. So, CO has $\pi $- bonds that makes it a strong ligand due to more splitting.

Is Cobalt a strong field ligand?

Ligands that produce a large splitting are called strong field ligands, and those that produce a small splitting are called weak field ligands….ΔO depends on both the metal and the ligand.

Complex ΔO (cm-1)
[Co(CN)6]3- 33,500
[Rh(H2O)6]3+ 27,000
[Rh(CN)6]3- 45,500

Is NH3 a strong ligand for CO?

Therefore, in general halogen or oxygen donors (eg-F-,Cl-,Br-,H2O)are weak field ligands and the ones in which carbon or nitrogen atom is the donor (eg-CN-,CO,NH3) are strong field ligands.

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Why is CO is a stronger ligand than CL?

Answer: CO is a stronger ligand than Cl ion because CO has double bond in between and has strong posively charged and negatively charged ends whereas Cl ion has one negative charge and positive inductive effect.

Is CO a strong field?

Carbon monoxide is a simple but fascinating ligand. We have previously noted that carbon monoxide, although a very poor base, is a strong field ligand due to the presence of π backbonding.

Is NH3 a strong field ligand?

Being lewis bases(those who donate electrons) the ligands with less electronegativity will be stronger. Therefore, in general halogen or oxygen donors (eg-F-,Cl-,Br-,H2O)are weak field ligands and the ones in which carbon or nitrogen atom is the donor (eg-CN-,CO,NH3) are strong field ligands.

Is NH3 charged?

Ammonia has zero charge because it is a neutral molecule that consists of a nitrogen atom bonded to three hydrogen atoms by covalent bonds. There is an unshared pair of electrons over the N-atom in ammonia.