
Is piperidine a strong or weak base?

Is piperidine a strong or weak base?

Piperidine is the stronger base, with a pKb about 4. The pKb for morpholine would be about 6. In aqueous solution at pH 9, which amine would exist mainly as an ammonium ion? Piperidine remains protonated up to pH about 10.

Which is more basic pyrrolidine or pyridine?

Pyrrolidine is more basic than pyridine. The pKa of pyrrolidinium cation is 11.3, and that of pyridinium cation is 5.3; i.e., the former cation (conjugate acid) is more acidic than the latter. This fact has something to do with the molecular electronic structures of both compounds.

Why is piperidine a strong base?

But in the piperidine molecule, these lone pairs are present in the sp3 orbitals of the nitrogen, that is, secondary amine and there is no resonance in the ring. This makes it easy for the nitrogen to share its electrons and is highly basic. Therefore, the strongest base is option (D)- piperidine.

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Is piperidine a weak base?

Piperidine is the most basic (conjugate acid pKa = 11.2). In pyrrole is a very weak base (conjugate acid pKa = -4). The N lone pair is involved in the 6π electron aromatic system. Protonation will destroy the aromaticity of the 6π electron aromatic system and this makes it an unfavourable process.

Why is pyrrolidine a stronger base than pyridine?

Lone pair on nitrogen of pyridine is involved in resonance. We have to see whether or not nitrogen has lone pairs. In pyrrolidine nitrogen’s lone do not involve in resonance therefore that would maintain the electron density on nitrogen making pyrrolidine more basic.

Why is piperidine a stronger base than pyridine?

Piperidine is a saturated ring. Thus, the lone pair in pyridine is in an sp2 orbital. In piperidine, the pair is in an sp3 orbital. The piperidine is a stronger base, because the lone pair is more available to acids since it extends out further from the nitrogen nucleus.

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Why piperidine is stronger base than pyridine?