
Is Rae Sloane a Grand Admiral?

Is Rae Sloane a Grand Admiral?

During the Battle of Endor, Rae Sloane served as a Vice Admiral in the Imperial Navy and commanded the Star Destroyer Vigilance. In the following months, Sloane attained the distinguished rank of Grand Admiral, bestowed unto her by the mysterious Fleet Admiral Gallius Rax.

Is snoke a Gallius Rax?

Gallius Rax Is Not Snoke Any similarities between Rax and Snoke are purely coincidental, and fans can now scratch this hypothesis off the growing (or shrinking?) Snoke, while humanoid, is a member of an unknown species. He looks like he could be a human, but all signs suggest he’s an alien.

What did Gallius Rax look like?

Adopting the name “Gallius Rax,” he became a decorated Imperial officer during the Age of the Empire. He was serving as an admiral when the Emperor was killed in the Battle of Endor, an event which triggered the Contingency and Rax’s role in carrying it out.

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Who killed Gallius Rax?

Everyone else believed he was her advisor during this time. Rax was the individual who readied the Imperial forces for the Battle of Jakku. He would attempt to use the battle as a way to kill off both New Republic and Imperial soldiers on the planet, but he wound up being killed by Rae Sloane.

Who is the admiral in aftermath?

Admiral Rae Sloane
The Aftermath trilogy features the characters Wedge Antilles, an X-wing fighter pilot from the original Star Wars film trilogy, and Imperial Admiral Rae Sloane, introduced as a captain in John Jackson Miller’s 2014 novel A New Dawn.

Who is Grand Admiral Sloane in Star Wars?

―Grand Admiral Sloane, warning Ferric Obdur [src] Rae Sloane was a human female dedicated to serving the Galactic Empire as a naval officer. She was instrumental in its survival in the aftermath of the Battle of Endor.

Did Rae Sloane capture Kanan Jarrus?

Later, Sloane tried to capture the rebel Kanan Jarrus by using his old friend Morfizo to lure him into a trap but failed. During the Battle of Endor, Rae Sloane served as a Vice Admiral in the Imperial Navy and commanded the Star Destroyer Vigilance.

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What does Rae Sloane do?

Touch me again, and I will have the offending limb removed, and all the nerves of the stump obliterated so that no robotic hand will ever respond to your commands.” Rae Sloane was a human female dedicated to serving the Galactic Empire as a naval officer. She was instrumental in its survival in the aftermath of the Battle of Endor.

What did Rae Sloane do after the Battle of Endor?

During the Battle of Endor, Rae Sloane served as a Vice Admiral in the Imperial Navy and commanded the Star Destroyer Vigilance. Following the Empire’s defeat at Endor, she organized a secret Imperial meeting on the planet Akiva.