
Is research possible without literature review?

Is research possible without literature review?

While it is possible for literature on a particular topic of research to be scarce or even unavailable, I would like to suggest that literature that is almost relevant could be reviewed. The unavailability of prefect relevant literature should not be a yardstick for failing to review literature.

Why is there a need to put related literature and studies in a research?

It establishes the authors’ in-depth understanding and knowledge of their field subject. It gives the background of the research. Demonstrates how the research fits within a larger field of study. Provides an overview of the sources explored during the research of a particular topic.

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Why do we need to do a review of related literature before conducting a research study?

A review of related literature (RRL) is important for obtaining an overview of the current knowledge on the topic. It provides the investigator with a framework on which to build an appropriate hypothesis.

Do all research articles have a literature review?

Scholarly publications (especially peer reviewed articles) will always include at least a brief literature review in their introduction and discussion sections. Theses and dissertations should include a detailed literature review.

What is the difference between related literature and related studies?

Related literature are often from journalist or any officials whereas the opinions and facts presented matters and can affect the masses’ opinion and thinking. Related Studies are from researchers or from official public offices, and thesis from different universities and libraries.

What is related literature and studies?

A review of related literature (RRL) is a detailed review of existing literature related to the topic of a thesis or dissertation. In an RRL, you talk about knowledge and findings from existing literature relevant to your topic. When writing the review, begin by providing the background and purpose of the review.

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How do you find related literature in research?

Literature Search: Process Flow

  1. Develop a research question in a specific subject area.
  2. Make a list of relevant databases and texts you will search.
  3. Make a list of relevant keywords and phrases.
  4. Start searching and make notes from each database to keep track of your search.

How can I get related literature?

Where to search when doing a literature review

  1. Start with research databases. Scopus and Web of Science are good databases to start with for any research topic and literature review.
  2. Focus your search with specific databases.
  3. Find books, theses and more.

How do you know if you have related literature?

Identifying literature

  1. Databases.
  2. Citation searching – combing through bibliographies of relevant articles.
  3. Hand searching – reviewing tables of contents in key relevant journals.
  4. Raiding – review archives of listservs and other relevant mailing lists.
  5. Expert polling – asking tutors and colleagues for suggestions.