
Is Sam addicted to demon blood?

Is Sam addicted to demon blood?

Sam eventually becomes addicted to demon blood, a fact that Dean soon discovers. With Bobby’s help they lock Sam in a protected panic room so that he can detox, but the withdrawal symptoms are painful and he begins experiencing hallucinations. Just as the process becomes easier for Sam, Castiel appears and frees Sam.

Can Sam kill demons?

Sam gained abilities such as exorcising demons with his mind and his abilities become increasingly powerful with every taste. With enough blood, Sam could kill demons as powerful as Alastair and Lilith, but Castiel told Dean that the amount of blood Sam would have to consume to kill Lilith would change him forever.

Who wins in a fight Sam or Dean?

After Dean fails to convince Sam, Sam starts a fight at 30:37, but with the Mark of Cain, Dean is the stronger and easily wins. Sam gives up and agrees to die to save the world, but when he reminds Dean of his goodness and love for his family, Dean instead kills Death with own scythe.

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Who gave Sam the demon blood?

Azazel reveals that he fed Sam his blood on the night of his six month birthday, and also reveals that he did so to all the other Special Children. Demon blood either gives or enhances psychic powers.

Is Ruby lying to Sam?

Contrary to her promise to Sam, Ruby tells Dean that she cannot actually save him from Hell and that she had lied to Sam to get him to listen to her. However, in the season finale “No Rest for the Wicked”, she tells Sam that she had lied to Dean and that she truly can help Sam save him.

Does Sam forgive Dean?

No, he didn’t forgive Sam. He put his brother through the ringer instead. Many thought his actions were out of character but I thought they made perfect sense. Both instead stayed overprotective of the “snot nosed kid.” In Dean’s case though, his blinders extended beyond Sam.

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Did Ruby care about Sam?

Although Ruby eventually reveals herself as a traitor, Kripke wrote her final scene with the intention of depicting Ruby as “the opposite of evil” and to show that Ruby does care about Sam, despite her manipulation of him to free Lucifer; Kripke explained that, in Ruby’s mind, she had to lead Sam down that path because …