
Is Samoa a good country to live in?

Is Samoa a good country to live in?

Samoa is very safe and the crime rate is low. The people are very friendly and kind, and the strong traditions and the communal culture of Samoa keep the crime rate low and the country safe.

What is Samoa like to live?

Samoa is, as indicated above, quiet, ancient and deeply layered. It can also be raucous, modern and superficial. What Samoa is “like” is as a deeply human part of the world, where most everyone knows most everyone else, unlike the millions rushing by each day unseen in any city you may care to name.

Can foreigners live in Samoa?

Samoa has a very inviting tourist policy, and citizens of all countries are welcome to come here visa-free for 30 days. For residents of the Schengen Area, the permitted visa-free stay is 90 days. There are not many expats living in Samoa ‘ and those who do, mostly come from neighbouring New Zealand and Australia.

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What kind of food do they eat in Samoa?

A favourite dish with visitors to Samoa and locals alike is palusami: baked coconut cream cooked inside coconut leaves in the umu (earth oven). Another local staple is oka, or raw fish marinated in coconut cream, lemon juice, chilli and onions. Samoa dishes often include pork, chicken (moa) and fish (i’a).

Can you move to Samoa?

If you plan to move to American Samoa, you’ll need a non-immigrant visa, but obtaining one of these visas might require you to have already secured employment in American Samoa, in which case, you might have to visit the island first as a prospective job applicant. Apply for a non-immigrant visa.

How expensive is a vacation in Samoa?

The average price of a 7-day trip to Samoa Point is $2,481 for a solo traveler, $4,456 for a couple, and $8,354 for a family of 4. Samoa Point hotels range from $75 to $354 per night with an average of $120, while most vacation rentals will cost $160 to $1000 per night for the entire home.