
Is spectrum important for UPSC?

Is spectrum important for UPSC?

On the other hand, Spectrum offers you more factual data, which is also needed for the exam. Hence it would be better if you finish the NCERT to get a grip over the entire fall of events and then move onto Spectrum to improve your factual data and, at the same time, use it as a revision tool.

What are the important topics of modern history?

Important topics of Modern Indian History for UPSC

  • Marathas. – Shivaji in detail.
  • European powers. – Chronologoical order of European powers in India.
  • Reform movements. – In detail.
  • 1857 Revolt. – In detail.
  • Freedom Struggle. – Formation of INC.
  • Gandhian Era. – His experiments.
  • Indian National COngress.
  • Extremist.
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How do you complete spectrum modern history Quora?

  1. Spectrum is considered as the Bible for Modern Indian History, when it comes to UPSC preparation.
  2. As it is a small book, it should be read meticulously.
  3. Stress should be on revision.
  4. Make a chronological thread in your mind about the events that occured.
  5. Use mnemonics and memory tricks to make the task easier.

How many pages are there in spectrum modern history?

Book Brief History Of Modern Indian By Rajiv Ahir – Spectrum – Fully Revised Edition (English Medium) (Paperback, Rajiv Ahir)
Publishing Date 2019
Publisher Spectrum Books Pvt. Ltd.
Edition 2
Number of Pages 814

Is Spectrum enough for modern history for UPSC?

Modern History (including freedom struggle) should be done from NCERT and Spectrum. For Mains, one should be thorough with the last chapters of spectrum, like the economic impact one, the evolution/freedom of press one etc as from these the probability of making analytical questions is more.

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Is history important for UPSC Prelims?

History can become a very scoring subject for IAS(UPSC CSE) prelims if you are able to memorize well. It is one of the most popular optional subjects in UPSC exams. The UPSC prelims history syllabus focus on three broad sections namely- ancient, medieval, and modern Indian history.

Which is good Bipin Chandra or spectrum?

Spectrum vs Bipin Chandra – Spectrum is excellent for revision before exam, and Bipin Chandra is good to develop historical analysis aptitude and Mains type answers. So, we suggest to read both but use Spectrum for revision. ‘ First read Bipin Chandra / Sumit Sarkar and then revise by reading Spectrum.

Is post independence part of prelims Quora?

Yes you can complete them if you have done other topics of Mains syllabus. You could at least make notes of these topics or read them once from the source you have decided to read fro these topics. These topics don’t come in prelims so covering them after prelims is a good strategy provided you have your notes.

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What is the latest edition of Spectrum book?

A Brief History of Modern India (2019-2020 Edition) by Spectrum Books Paperback – 1 January 2019

  • Kindle Edition. ₹0.00 This title and over 1 million more available with Kindle Unlimited ₹212.00 to buy.
  • Paperback. 3 New from ₹352.00.