
Is Sutshekhar safe?

Is Sutshekhar safe?

Yes, Sutshekhar is a Ras-kalp. It’s has got oxides(भस्म) in it. Hence, cannot advise for a long term Treatment. But there are several herbal medicines which can be used considering Prakruti of the patient.

How do you take Sootashekhar Rasa?

125 – 250 mg once or twice a day, before or after food or as directed by Ayurvedic doctor. It is traditionally administered along with hot water and betel leaf. How long to use: It can be used upto 1 – 2 months based on doctor’s prescription.

What is Shankh Vati?

Shankh Vati is an Ayurvedic medicine available in the tablet form. This Ayurvedic medicine is very useful to treat the digestive system problems. It is used in treatment of various problems related to the digestion like dyspepsia, anorexia, indigestion, gas etc.

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What is the use of Mahayograj guggulu?

Mahayogaraj Guggul benefits: It is widely used in the Ayurvedic treatment of joint diseases, skin diseases, piles, sprue, diabetes, gout, fistula, bloating, emaciation, low digestion power, asthma, cold, cough, anorexia, male and female infertility. It is effective in nervous diseases.

What is the use of Mahashankh Vati?

Dabur Mahashankh Vati helps to treat indigestion, abdominal pain due to gas and irregular food habits. The medicine contains ingredients which help to expel the gas from the stomach and provides relief from indigestion.

What is Pitta Dosha?

Pitta is bodily energy that is fluid since it combines elements of fire and water. This Dosha governs digestion, metabolism, and transformation in the body. Pitta Dosha is the hottest Dosha since it is associated with fire. The effect of Pitta on the body is to increase heat.

When should I take Shankh Vati?

Information about Dhootapapeshwar Shankha Vati Extremely useful in Udarshoola, Ajeerna, and Parinamshoola by improving intestinal activity and clearing the obstruction. Direction for use: Consume 1 to 2 tablet 2 times a day with lukewarm water or as directed by the ayurvedic doctor.

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What is Shankh Vati used for?

Swadeshi Shankh Vati is used in ayurvedic treatment of gastric conditions, dyspepsia, and anorexia.

When should I take Mahayograj guggul?

1-2 tablets, 2-3 times a day, before or after food or as directed by Ayurvedic doctor. Use under medical supervision.

What is the use of Maharasnadi kadha?

Dabur Maharasnadi Kwath Kadha helps to reduce the pain and inflammation and also improve the functional efficiency of the affected part. It provides strength to the nerves and reduces the stiffness of joints. Key Benefits: Helps in reducing the pain radiating along the sciatic nerve.

When should I take Mahashankh Vati?

Take 1 to 2 tablets (250mg to 500mg) in the morning and evening with buttermilk or as directed by the physician.

How do you balance Pitta?


  1. KEEP AWAY FROM FOODS THAT INCREASE PITTA: these foods are pungent, sour, salty or too hot.
  2. FRUITS: sour fruits, such as apples, grapefruit, lemons, dried fruit.
  3. VEGETABLES: aubergines, garlic, radishes, tomatoes, onions.
  4. GRAINS: buckwheat, millet, corn.