
Is The Alchemist about Islam?

Is The Alchemist about Islam?

Islamic culture has already spread around the world. Even, Islamic culture can be easily found in some literary wor/s such as novel. One of the novels that provides Islamic culture is The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho.

What is Paulo Coelho’s message in The Alchemist?

The constant theme in The Alchemist is to pursue your dreams by following what your heart desires. During the young boy’s journey, he learns to listen to the heart and to follow the language of omens. With each passing obstacle and hurdle that the young boy encounters, there is a lesson to learn.

What religion is The Alchemist?

In Coelho’s The Alchemist , Santiago is a non-believer as opposed to a follower of Christianity. Santiago is rooted in the rational world. Once a dreamer, he has been told by his father that success will not be found in a world of dreams.

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What did Santiago find at the pyramids?

A voice in the wind says God wanted him to see the pyramids’ beauty. Soon Santiago finds a chest of gold coins and jewels. He removes Urim and Thummim and puts them in the chest. He plans to head to Tarifa and give the gypsy one tenth of his treasure, and as the wind blows he feels Fatima’s kiss on his lips.

Is The Alchemist a religious book?

The Alchemist is not a Christian book as it attempts to ascend one specific religion and communicate in a language known as the Soul of the World….

Why Paulo Coelho is famous?

Paulo Coelho, (born August 24, 1947, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), Brazilian novelist known for employing rich symbolism in his depictions of the often spiritually motivated journeys taken by his characters.

What lessons does The Alchemist teach Santiago?

The alchemist explains that the heart never stays silent, so Santiago must come to terms with it. In other words, Santiago must learn to separate himself from the desires of his heart. Only by paying attention to his heart and understanding its “dodges and tricks” can Santiago tame it and turn it into an ally.

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How does the alchemist relate to religion?

God brings people together. Santiago holds a unique view of God in that his beliefs are nebulous rather than codified. His religion is based on personal experience instead of an institutional proscription. As a result, Santiago is able to take multiple religious views into perspective.

How does Santiago feel about religion?

Santiago states that he is not religious, but he is nonetheless familiar with at least some Catholic prayers and practices. For example, before he kills his marlin, he prays to God and the Virgin Mary that he will be successful. For Catholics, it is made to offer prayers to God, an angel, or a saint.

Did the alchemist find his treasure?

But why Santiago finally found his treasure not near the Pyramid, instead he found it in Spain, the place he used to live before. Because the treasure was not actually what he would find under the tree in Spain. The treasure was what he himself became in pursuit of it.

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Does Santiago marry Fatima?

The alchemist explains that Santiago would have enough money to buy many sheep and camels, and that he would marry Fatima. The alchemist’s story convinces Santiago. The pair returns to Al-Fayoum for one night and Santiago tells Fatima he is leaving, but that he still loves her and he will return.