
Is throttling is a reversible process?

Is throttling is a reversible process?

Throttling process is a thermodynamic process which is used to reduce or decrease the pressure of a fluid. In this process a liquid having high pressure is converted into low pressure fluid. So the process can’t be reversible.

Why is throttling process isenthalpic?

In the throttling process the down stream pressure is always less than the upstream pressure . Therefore, whenever a real gas is subjected to throttling, the temperature of the gas decreases if the initial state lies in the region to the left of the isenthalpic curve.

Why are throttling valves isenthalpic?

Since throttling process is isenthalpic, and for an ideal gas enthalpy is a function of temperature only, the temperature of an ideal gas does not change during a throttling process. For liquids under high pressure increases as the pressure increases.

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What happens for a throttling process?

Throttling is a process where a high-pressure fluid is converted into low-pressure by using a throttle valve. In a throttling process, the enthalpy remains constant and the work done is zero.

What is irreversible adiabatic process?

Adiabatic free expansion of a gas For an ideal gas, the temperature remains constant because the internal energy only depends on temperature in that case. Since at constant temperature, the entropy is proportional to the volume, the entropy increases in this case, therefore this process is irreversible.

Can an isothermal process be irreversible?

Isothermal expansion can surely be irreversible if you make it so. In fact, any process is usually at least a bit irreversible, and truly 100\% reversible processes are impossible.

Why is throttling done instead of isentropic expansion in Vcrs?

Because specific volume of liquid is very much lesser than that of vapours,expansion work will be very low[dw=-v(p2-p1)] reversible. This expansion work which is isentropic will not justift the cause of expansion as expansion work becomes lower than friction work. So throttling process is done in case of vcrs.

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Which is true about throttling process?

Solution(By Examveda Team) Different gases will have different inversion temperatures usually the hydrogen and helium will have very low maximum inversion temperatures so, cooling by using throttling for these gases is slightly difficult.

What is the advantage of having a throttling process in a phase change process?

Throttling of the flow causes a significant reduction in pressure because a throttling device causes a local pressure loss. Throttling can be achieved simply by introducing a restriction into a line through which a gas or liquid flows.

Why is adiabatic irreversible?