
Is UPSC and Appsc are same?

Is UPSC and Appsc are same?

The difference between APSPSC AND UPSC is that APSPSC stands for Andhra Pradesh State Public service commission and UPSC stands for union public service commission. APSPSC/APPSC conducts state level exams. UPSC conducts national level exams.

What is the difference between group 1 and UPSC?

Group-I has no specific time-table for the examination as whenever government allows the board to conduct examination it issues notification accordingly with vacancies. Civil Services examination follows a regular time-time, it conducts once per a year. normally in every February UPSC issues notification for Civils.

What is the salary of Appsc Group 1?

APPSC Group 1 Salary

Department Name of the Post Salary
Andhra Pradesh Police Service Deputy Superintendent of Police (Cat -2) Rs. 40,270 – Rs. 93,780/-
Andhra Pradesh State Tax Service Assistant Commissioner Rs. 40,270 – Rs. 93,780/-
Andhra Pradesh Civil Service or APPSC Deputy Collector Rs. 40,270 – Rs. 93,780/-
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Which group 1 book is best?

Best Books for APPSC Group 1 Preliminary Exam for Paper 1 – General Studies

Subject Book Author
History and Culture The cultural history of India A.L. Balsam
Early Dynasties of Andhra Desa B.V Krishna Rao
Early History of Deccan R.G Bhandarkar
History of India From 1000 to 1707 A.L Shrivastava

What is APPC group1 exam?

APPSC Group 1 is one of the prestigious competitive exams of Andhra Pradesh that is conducted by Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission (APPSC) to recruit civil servants in the state administration of Andhra Pradesh. The exam is conducted in three stages, i.e., prelims, mains and interview.

What is the difference between Appsc Group 1 and UPSC?

The very first difference in both the examination is that UPSC conduct National level exam and APPSC conduct state level exam (Andhra Pradesh state) exactly the difficulty level of national level exam is going to be more high in comparison of state level, basically UPSC focus on national history, National economic, and …

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What are the books for Appsc Group 1?

APPSC Group 1 Books: Indian Constitution, Social Justice, and International Relations Books

  • The Constitution of India. By Government of India.
  • Indian Administration By Sriram Maheshwari.
  • Indian Polity By M. Laxmikant.
  • Introduction to Constitution of India By Durga Das Basu.
  • Our Parliament By Subash Kashyap.