
Should I go to the doctor for a broken toe?

Should I go to the doctor for a broken toe?

When to Call a Doctor If you think you broke your toe, it’s best to have your doctor look at it. Even though you can often treat it yourself, a broken toe can sometimes lead to more serious problems, like infection, arthritis, or long-term foot pain.

What happens if a broken toe goes untreated?

A fractured toe that’s left untreated can lead to infection You’re at increased risk of developing a bone infection if you have diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, or a compromised or weakened immune system. Symptoms that suggest your toe has developed a bone infection include: Fatigue.

How do I know if my toe is broken or just bruised?

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If it hurts the rest of the day and longer, you may have a fracture. When you stub your toe, it’s normal to expect some bruising and even some blood under the toenail. But, if the discoloration lasts for a few days, if it spreads, or if it seems like there is too much blood under the nail, you might have a broken toe.

Can a doctor do anything for a broken toe?

Usually, you can treat a broken toe by taping it to a neighboring toe. But if the fracture is severe — particularly if it involves your big toe — you may need a cast or even surgery to ensure proper healing.

What would a broken toe look like?

Broken Toe Symptoms After the injury, pain, swelling, or stiffness can occur. Bruising of the skin around the toe may also be noticeable. The toe may not look normal, and it may even look bent or deformed if the broken bone is out of place.

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How do I know if I broke my little toe?

The most common symptoms of a broken pinky toe include:

  1. a popping sound when the injury occurs.
  2. throbbing pain that’s immediate and may fade after a few hours.
  3. difficulty putting weight on your foot.
  4. pinky toe seeming out of alignment.
  5. swelling and bruising.
  6. burning.
  7. a damaged toenail.

Did I just break toe?

Throbbing pain in the toe is the first sign that it may be broken. You may also hear the bone break at the time of injury. A broken bone, also called a fracture, may also cause swelling at the break. If you’ve broken your toe, the skin near the injury may looked bruised or temporarily change color.

How long should I stay off a broken toe?

Most broken toes will heal on their own with proper care at home. It can take 4 to 6 weeks for complete healing.

How do I know if I broke my toe?

What Are the Signs and Symptoms of a Broken Toe?

  1. Pain or tenderness.
  2. Swelling.
  3. Redness.
  4. Blood under the toenail or broken toenail.
  5. Stiffness.
  6. Bruises or discoloration of the skin around the toe.
  7. The toe may appear abnormal, and may even look bent or deformed if the broken bone is out of place.
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Is it OK to walk on a broken toe?

With a walking cast, you should be able to walk and resume most non-strenuous activities within a week or two after injuring your toe. The pain should diminish gradually if the bone is healing properly. If you feel any pain in your broken toe, stop the activity that’s causing the pain and tell your doctor.