
Should I install floors before adding new cabinets?

Should I install floors before adding new cabinets?

Installing flooring before your cabinets is the best choice for most hardwood floors. When professionals install floors then cabinets, it’s easier to get everything to standard heights. It’s also a safer installation process for your cabinets since you won’t risk any damage to them as professionals install the floors.

Do you install vinyl flooring under cabinets?

As a rule, install heavy cabinets first. Then install vinyl flooring. If you install the flooring first, use only specific types of flooring under certain conditions. Let’s go over those specific types of flooring.

Are Floating floors good in kitchens?

Floating floors come in a variety of materials, such as engineered hardwood or cork, but not all are suitable for a kitchen floor installation. Because the weight of appliances, especially refrigerators, can stress or break the tongue-and-groove fasteners, select a snap-together floor designed especially for kitchens.

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Do you put wood flooring under refrigerator?

Whether sitting on plywood or on the hardwood, the fridge should sit even with the rest of the floor so it’s easy to remove for servicing. With this option, you will need to leave room to allow at least a little of the hardwoods to run under the front of the fridge.

Should you install tile under cabinets?

If the tile system is installed after the cabinetry, perimeter joints must be placed where the tile meets the cabinets. The cuts to the edge of the cabinets need to be very neatly done and sanded, and filled with rounded backup (foam backer road) and flexible sealant, such as 100\% silicone,…

Should I do the floors before or after the cabinets?

Flooring Before Cabinets. Installing the floors before the cabinets has some advantages. The flooring contractor will not have to work around existing cabinetry so the work can go that much faster. The finish can be applied after the cabinet installation, lessening concerns about marring the floors during the remodel.

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Should you run flooring under cabinets?

For this reason, some experts recommend installing wood floors after you finish your cabinets. Also, floating floors can’t be installed under cabinets because the cabinets will be too heavy and restrict the floor from expanding and contracting. This could cause the floor to come apart.

Are cabinets installed before flooring?

In most cases, given standard flooring heights, you can install the cabinets before the floor covering. Floor covering, or finish flooring, is the surface that you see and walk on, not the sub-floor and not an underlayment.