
Should I put my full name on my book?

Should I put my full name on my book?

Fortunately, the book has a very unique and memorable title. For book marketing purposes, you shouldn’t use your middle initial or full legal name on your book’s cover. If you do, then it’s best for your book if you start calling yourself that way!

Can you publish a book with just your first name?

Many writers use pen names—but there’s a right way and a wrong way to publish your book, stories, poems, or essays under a pseudonym. Actors and artists often use fictitious names, and writers sometimes choose to create under a different persona as well.

Why do authors go by their initials?

A reason for initials is to create gender neutrality, which helps with some genres, but the author isn’t trying to be anonymous, just to reach a biased audience. Last, everyone says that they don’t buy a book based on the cover or the author’s name, but they do, so ignore what they say.

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Why does the author use initials instead of a first and middle name on her book covers?

She wrote the novel when she was 16 and it was published in 1967. After the success of The Outsiders, Hinton chose to continue writing and publishing using her initials because she did not want to lose what she had made famous and to allow her to keep her private and public lives separate.

Should authors use initials?

Instead, it is often used by authors to stand out, to create an aura of mystery around them – or to simply shorten a long name on a book cover. In a world where social media makes everyone rather transparent, however, the choice of initials over full names may, however, come off as pretentious.

Should I use middle initial for publication?

Always include a middle initial because it reduces the chance that your name will be the same as another academic (including cases where only initials are shown in references), or because it looks more distinguished.

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Should initials include middle name?

Generally, you use the first letter of your first and the first letter of your last name as your initials, but you can also include the first letter of your middle name or maiden name, or more than one letter from one of the names (e.g. someone with the last name DiAmico using both D and A).