
Should they raise the rim in the NBA?

Should they raise the rim in the NBA?

Ed Steitz doesn’t really want to spoil things for anybody, but if he could change one basketball rule, it would be to raise the rim from 10 to 11 1/2 or 12 feet off the floor. The height, Naismith discovered, was ideal for a sport in which the ball was to be shot into the basket from floor level.

What is the height of NBA rims?

10 feet
Throughout gyms, parks, and driveways around the world, basketball hoops are almost always 10 feet (3 meters) off the ground. Some leagues for young children play on shorter hoops, but from junior high schools through the professional leagues, the game is played on hoops of the standard 10-foot height.

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Is shooting on a lower rim bad?

Absolutely. While it’s obviously better to always shoot on an official hoop, many great shooters got their start while practicing their shot under less than ideal circumstances. The main thing is to lock down your form so that it is extremely consistent.

Has the average height in the NBA increased?

In the 2019-2020 NBA season, the average basketball player was 6’6″ tall (198.8cm) which is almost about 8 inches taller than the average American male (5’9 1/2″)! Interestingly, the average height of NBA players of previous seasons has been corrected downwards compared to my last study done in 2018.

What height is good for basketball?

The data seems to pretty clearly indicate that 7’0 is about the optimal NBA height. Sure, you don’t want a seven foot point guard, but don’t over-complicate it. There’s something about being 7’0 (give or take a couple inches) that allows all the benefits of being tall without any loss is agility or skill.

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Is the NBA double rim?

Though the NBA now utilizes a double rim, at the professional level, you would expect players to use the more challenging rim.

Does playing on double rim help your shot?

While it can be very frustrating to shoot bricks or take shots that you feel are good, only to catch the rim and bounce out unexpectedly, there are very good benefits to playing with a double rim. Aside from the strength and durability, a double rim can really help you improve your shooting ability.