
Was Earendil an elf?

Was Eärendil an elf?

Eärendil was the Half-elven son of Tuor and Princess Idril, daughter of Turgon. He was born in FA 503 and was raised in Gondolin. At the age of seven, he and his parents escaped the sack of Gondolin, living afterwards in Arvernien by the mouth of Sirion.

What does Aiya Eärendil Elenion Ancalima mean?

Hail Eärendil, brightest of Stars
It meant “Hail Eärendil, brightest of Stars”. …

What is the name of Eärendil’s ship?

Vingilótë was the ship in which Eärendil and Elwing sailed to Aman to seek pardon and assistance from the Valar. This vessel was said to be the fairest ever fashioned – it had white timbers of birchwood from Nimbrethil, oars of gold, sails of silver, and its prow was swan-shaped.

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Who killed Dior Silmarillion?

Dior and Nimloth were slain during the Second Kinslaying, along with anyone trying to prevent the Sons of Fëanor from gaining the Silmaril. After the attack, the servants of Celegorm left Eluréd and Elurín in the forest to die.

What race is Dior?

Dior was one of the fairest beings to ever live, a product of three different heritages (races): Ainur (Maiar), Men, and Elves. His paternal grandparents were Barahir (a great chieftain of the Edain) and Emeldir the Man-hearted. His maternal grandparents were King Thingol and Melian the Maia.

How does the phial of Galadriel help Sam?

Both Frodo and Samwise Gamgee used the phial to fend off the attacks of Shelob, and escape her lair on the borders of Mordor. Sam later used it to overcome the will of the Two Watchers at the Tower of Cirith Ungol.

What does Aiya mean in Elvish?

Aiya. aiya (aiya!) or aia means “hail” in Quenya. In the legendarium, it was only addressed to “great or holy persons”, such as the Valar, or to Eärendil.

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What does the name Elwing mean?

The name Elwing means “Star-spray” in Sindarin, composed of êl (“star”) + wing (“foam, spray”).

Was Elwing an elf?

They are depicted in The Silmarillion as Half-elven, the children of Men and Elves. He is a great seafarer who, on his brow, carried the morning star, a jewel called a Silmaril, across the sky. The jewel had been saved by Elwing from the destruction of the Havens of Sirion….Eärendil and Elwing.

Book(s) The Silmarillion