
Was Tuvok a good Vulcan?

Was Tuvok a good Vulcan?

And yet, he was also indisputably a Vulcan — logical, wise and ultimately quite compassionate. Janeway relied on him for advice as often as she did Chakotay, and he established strong bonds with all of his fellow crewmembers during the series’ seven-year run.

Is Tuvok full Vulcan?

Personality. A full Vulcan, Tuvok has a complex personality, with internal conflict. There is a fair amount of evidence to suggest that he never entirely gained emotional control, and he feels bitterness over his Vulcan heritage.

Why do they call Tuvok Lieutenant?

The paperwork for Tuvok’s promotion was sent directly from the Delta Quadrant since it takes almost 70 years for Mr. Unfortunately, as the old saying goes, you cannot teach an old crew new tricks, so everyone stilled called him “Lieutenant Tuvok” instead of “Commander Tuvok” for the rest of the journey home.

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How many times does Tuvok mind meld?

And of course, when something goes wrong, and believe me it does more often than they’d like to admit, the first thing they call out is DOCTOR!” “Understand one thing, Tuvok. I can promise you this will not silent your demons. If you can’t control the violence, the violence controls you.

Is Tuvok left handed?

Actor Tim Russ is left-handed. Throughout the series, Tuvok always wore his phaser on his right side and reached across to grab it with his left hand. When Janeway visits him in the hospital, he is writing on the floor with his left hand.

What was Spock’s real name?

‘chn T’gai Spock
Spock (full name S’chn T’gai Spock) was a famed half-Vulcan/half-Human Starfleet officer who served the Federation in the 23rd and 24th centuries. Spock’s full name was revealed in TOS novel: Ishmael. In TOS episode: “This Side of Paradise”, Spock said that his full name was unpronounceable to Humans.

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Did Tuvok go blind?

Tuvok, now completely blind from the chroniton torpedo blast in the Deck 11 Jefferies tube, shaves with a straight-edge razor in the remains of his quarters.

What rank was chakotay?

Species Human
Affiliation Maquis Starfleet
Posting First officer, USS Voyager (Federation)
Rank Starfleet Commissioned Lieutenant Commander Field Commissioned Provisional Commander Captain of Maquis Raider Val Jean

Can a non Vulcan mind meld?

As Vulcans were touch telepaths, they normally conducted a mind meld by touching the bioelectrical focal points on the face. Melding can be dangerous, particularly so when conducted with a non-Vulcan, but it can also be a useful tool; some neurological conditions can be cured by a mind meld.