
Were the Vikings more brutal than the Mongols?

Were the Vikings more brutal than the Mongols?

Were the Vikings as ruthless as the Mongols? – Quora. Apparently not. Although the Vikings looted and plundered a lot, and did kill a lot of people, there is no record of them systematically massacring the population of a whole city that had resisted, as the Mongols did.

Who were the Mongols primary enemies?

The Mongols had one other ace up their armoured sleeves, the ability to adapt to new types of warfare. Siege warfare, for example, became necessary when the Mongols came up against such enemies as Song China, Persia, and Eastern European kingdoms.

Who was the first to defeat the Mongols?

The first invasion attempt was carried out in 1298 CE, and involved 100,000 horsemen. Alauddin sent an army commanded by his brother Ulugh Khan and the general Zafar Khan, and this army comprehensively defeated the Mongols, with the capture of 20,000 prisoners, who were put to death.

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Did the Romans and Mongols ever meet?

Mongol incursions in the Holy Roman Empire took place in the spring of 1241 and again in the winter of 1241–42. They were part of the first great Mongol invasion of Europe. The Mongols did not advance far into the Holy Roman Empire and there was no major clash of arms on its territory.

Who stopped Mongols?

The major battles were the Siege of Baghdad (1258), when the Mongols sacked the city which had been the center of Islamic power for 500 years, and the Battle of Ain Jalut in 1260, when the Muslim Mamluks were able to defeat the Mongols in the battle at Ain Jalut in the southern part of the Galilee—the first time the …

How did Genghis Khan execute prisoners?

His men beheaded their prisoners and played with the heads outside the city walls, kicking them like balls. The defenders of Cremona then brought out their German prisoners on the city walls and pulled their limbs off in front of their comrades.