
What 2 things go well together?

What 2 things go well together?

21 things that come better as a pair…just like our appeal and UK Aid Match

  • Peanut butter and jam. Peanut butter and jam are both divine individually.
  • Bat and ball.
  • Mosquito and nets.
  • The Two Ronnies.
  • Socks.
  • Rain and water.
  • Left and right.
  • Sweet and salty.

What are things that work together?


  • alliance.
  • coaction.
  • combined effort.
  • harmony.
  • symbiosis.
  • synergism.
  • team effort.
  • teaming.

What are some pairs?

Things that commonly come in pairs (two separate items)

  • a pair of shoes.
  • a pair of socks.
  • a pair of slippers.
  • a pair of boots.
  • a pair of shoe laces.
  • a pair of gloves.
  • a pair of cuff links.
  • a pair of earrings.

What are things that coexist?

Two plants growing in the same container is an example of to coexist. To live in peace with another or others despite differences, especially as a matter of policy. To live in peace with another or others despite differences, especially as a matter of policy. To exist together at the same time or in the same place.

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What do you buy in pairs?

List Of Things That Come In Pairs

  • scissors / a pair of scissors.
  • glasses / a pair of glasses.
  • sunglasses / a pair of sunglasses.
  • goggles / a pair of goggles.
  • binoculars / a pair of binoculars.
  • shorts / a pair of shorts.
  • pants / a pair of pants.
  • trousers / a pair of trousers.

What is the word for things that go together?

Synonyms: To combine things, or to combine well. combine. complement.

What are pairs twins?

38 Wonderful Things That Come In Pairs

  • Twins, duh. We had to put twins as number one on this list because they’re definitely the best things that come in pairs!
  • Socks!
  • Tom & Jerry.
  • Peanut Butter & Jelly.
  • Mario & Luigi.
  • Spongebob & Patrick.
  • Bookends.
  • Knife & fork.

What is coexistence example?

The definition of coexist means to live with or close to another usually in peace. A married couple living together is an example of coexist. Two plants growing in the same container is an example of to coexist.