
What advice would you give to your juniors?

What advice would you give to your juniors?

My advice for the juniors is don’t miss to much school and do your homework. it’s really easy to fall behind in your senior year. you’re almost finished but not done. work just as hard if not harder your senior year and finish strong.

How do you behave with senior and junior?

Ways to Honor Our Elders

  1. Spend time with them (and listen intently).
  2. Be polite.
  3. Ask for advice.
  4. Eat together.
  5. Discuss family heritage, history and traditions.
  6. Call them.
  7. Tell them how much you appreciate and respect them.
  8. Visit senior living communities.

How do I talk to my juniors?

Here are some guidelines.

  1. Plan what to say. Think over what you want to say in advance, and write down the two or three most important points you want to make.
  2. Be direct. Let them know directly that there’s something you’d like to discuss.
  3. Pick a good time to talk.
  4. Write it down first.
  5. Disagree without disrespect.
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How can I be a successful junior year?

Six Tips for College Bound High School Juniors

  1. Prepare and Take Standardized Tests. Do not wait for senior year to take the all-important SAT and ACT, unless you thrive on stress.
  2. Consider Possible Majors.
  3. Research Colleges.
  4. Search for Scholarships.
  5. Plan to Maximize Summer.
  6. Get Good to Great Grades.

Why should we follow the advice of our elders?

1. Listening to the advice of older people has promoted well-being and even survival for millennia. Over the 1.5 million years of human existence, it is only for about the past 200 years that most people have gone to anyone other than local elders for solutions to life’s problems.

How do I get the most out of my medical placement?

Here are six tips for making the most of an early clinical placement at medical school.

  1. Be prepared. Going into a clinical setting can be intimidating the first few times you have placements.
  2. Turn up.
  3. Ask questions.
  4. Say yes to opportunities.
  5. Get involved.
  6. Reflect on what you have learned.
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How can I help junior staff?

Photos courtesy of the individual members.

  1. Create A Space For Them To Shine. It is as simple as creating a space for them to contribute and show the spark.
  2. Don’t Micromanage.
  3. Give Them A Voice.
  4. Ask For Ideas And Mentor Them.
  5. Keep Giving Them New Challenges.

How do you talk to a junior girl in college?

Just go say a hi, talk to her in some occasions like asking the way to some place, or at least make stuffs up, if you know a guy from her class, to give him something, but be sure to plan stuffs with him too :p. If she is your classmate, then you can occasionally ask her notes and talk with her on fb, become friends.