
What age is Moira Salmond?

What age is Moira Salmond?

84 years (August 9, 1937)
Moira Salmond/Age

What percentage of votes did SNP get?

The Scottish National Party (SNP) received the most votes (45\%, up 8.1\% from the previous election) and won 48 out of 59 seats — a gain of 13 over those won in 2017, and 81\% of the Scottish seats in the House of Commons. SNP gains came at the expense of both Labour and the Conservatives.

Who is Sturgeon’s husband?

Peter Murrellm. 2010
Nicola Sturgeon/Husband
Peter Tierney Murrell (born 8 December 1964) is the current Chief Executive Officer of the Scottish National Party (SNP). He is married to Nicola Sturgeon, the party’s leader and First Minister of Scotland.

Is there a ‘complete ideological split’ between Sturgeon and Salmond?

Both of these matters are described as part of the Sturgeon/Salmond split. Former SNP member Trish Spencer, from North Lanarkshire, says there is a “complete ideological split” around the latter. She left the party after becoming disillusioned with its internal workings and is also opposed to the proposed Hate Crime Bill.

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Do you have a side in the Salmond-Sturgeon feud?

Everyone, it is said, has a side. The fall-out between Alex Salmond and Nicola Sturgeon has been written about so many times it barely needs explaining, but the roots of it aren’t yet fully exposed.

What are the paradoxes of the SNP?

There are numerous paradoxes. The SNP is more than Salmond and Sturgeon and their camps. It has 120,000 members, resources and ideas, and one factor stopping this from being Sarah Smith’s “outright civil war” is that so far this has been an elite and leadership faction fight.

Is there a civil war raging in the SNP?

Ally, from Edinburgh, is talking about the civil war said to be raging in the SNP . It’s got its own tribute Twitter account and hashtag and is said to be splitting the country’s biggest political force down the middle. Which side are you on, Salmond or Sturgeon? Everyone, it is said, has a side.