
What are PTO rules?

What are PTO rules?

‘privilege ticket order’ (hereinafter referred to as P.T.O.) is an authority issued in favour of a railway servant which may be exchanged for a passenger rail ticket on payment of one third of the normal fare; h.

How many sets of PTO are issued to the railway employees?

How many sets of P.T.O. issued to the Railway employees? (a) 6 sets both for Gazetted and Non-Gazetted every year from the date of appointment.

What is pass and PTO?

‘privilege ticket order’ (hereinafter referred to as P.T.O.) is an authority issued in favour of a railway servant which may be exchanged for a passenger rail ticket on payment of one third of the normal fare; basic pay; ii.

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Which category of pass PTO facility is admissible to Group A and B gazetted railway employees?

Privilege Pass
Entitlements of Passes/PTOs

Category Privilege Pass & PTO Duty Pass
Gazetted Officers A & B Ist Class ‘A’ Pass Ist Class ‘A’ Pass
Non-Gazetted employees
GP Rs.4200/- and above Ist Class Pass Ist Class Pass
GP Rs.2800/- IInd Class ‘A’ Pass* IInd Class ‘A’ Pass*

Can PTO ticket cancellation rules?

Cancellation of ticket booked on PTO and rebooking is not allowed. Modification can be done only on tickets booked from counter and modification can be done by counter clerk directly only.

What is settlement pass in railway?

Settlement Pass Issued to a Railway employee at the time of retirement to settle in a place of his choice. Should be availed within 1 yearfrom date of retirement. No limit for the number of persons in the pass.

Is Railway privilege pass allowed in duronto?

Privilege and Post Retirement Complimentary Passes (PRCP) allowed in Duranto Express Trains. 1. Instructions have been issued vide this office letter of even No. E (W) 2009/PS 5-1/30 dated 21/03/2012 permitting railway officials to travel in Duranto Express Trains while travelling on Duty subject to certain conditions.

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Is PTO required by law?

There is no legal requirement in California that an employer provide its employees with either paid or unpaid vacation time. Under California law, earned vacation time is considered wages, and vacation time is earned, or vests, as labor is performed.